問:有報紙的中英文社評說:「政府把醫院用地改作住宅發展,不合情理。It is strange that the authorities should have
agreed to the change in use of the hospital site for residential development.」Should have agreed不是「應該同意而事實沒有同意」的意思嗎?然則這譯法有沒有錯?又正式英文有沒有「should
答:Should have done something的意思,要看上下文而定,但不知為什麼,香港不少人都以為只可解作「應做某事而沒有做」,可謂誤解甚深。上述社評should
have agreed的should字,用在主要子句(main
FitzGerald所譯詩篇,一摘自蘇格蘭作家J M Barrie的戲劇,可以參考:(1)Alas, that Spring should vanish with the Rose! / That
Youth's sweet-scented manuscript should close(唉,奈何明媚陽春,和玫瑰同逝;奈何美好的少年篇章,竟會結束)。(2)(It is)Odd that they should not have
presented you with a copy(真奇怪,他們沒有送一本給你)。第一句的should,表示對當今美好事物消逝的惋惜;第二句的should have,則表示對過去一件事的驚訝。這個should的用法很常見,不可不識。
至於「should be + ing動詞」,絕對是正式英文句法,例如:You
are taking it easy when you should be working hard(你現在正該努力,怎麼卻游手好閒)。