In the
policy jargon increasingly heard in today’s political discourse, tax reform
will be “revenue neutral” – meaning that it will not worsen the budget deficit
or drive up the national debt. The broader subliminal message is that you can
have whatever you currently expect in terms of government services for less
than it costs you now.
problem with this vision of tax reform is that it is magical – an attractive
illusion with no basis in reality. Consider the recent pronouncements of Mitt
Romney – now the presumptive Republican candidate to challenge President Barack
Obama in November. Romney wants to cut tax rates, mainly benefiting those at
the upper end of the income distribution. He also wants to close loopholes, but
none of the details that he has offered add up to much. His boldest proposal –
eliminating deductions for interest paid on mortgages on second homes – is trivial
in terms of generating revenue.
Obama is
only slightly better. While he talks less about “tax reform,” he is currently
communicating the message that merely raising taxes on rich people – the
infamous 1% – will bring the budget and national debt under control. That, too,
is a pipedream.
– and taxpayers in many other countries – need a more transparent approach to
assessing candidates’ budget proposals. In the US,
there are groups that offer their own assessments. For example, the Committee
for a Responsible Federal Budget performed an admirable service in “scoring”
the fiscal plans of rival candidates for the Republican nomination.
problem is that in an election with high stakes and deep polarization, who,
exactly, can voters trust? Everyone has an agenda, perceived or real. The
veracity of any organization that is funded by particular individuals, or
through less transparent corporate channels, will be called into question.
What the US
and many other countries need is an independent, competent, and experienced
body that leans neither right nor left. Fortunately, the US
has the Congressional Budget Office, which scores legislation in terms of its
budgetary impact, assesses official budget proposals, and formulates its own
economic projections. (I serve on the CBO’s Panel of Economic Advisers, which
comments on the draft forecast twice a year, but does not assess budget
proposals or anything else.)
the CBO reports to the relevant congressional committees – those dealing with
tax and budgets – both Republicans and Democrats watch its every move. But the
CBO, created in the 1970’s precisely to bring greater transparency and
accountability to the rather byzantine congressional budget process, really is
independent and run by professionals.
does not, however, score proposals by political candidates, and that is part of
the problem. In the run-up to the pre-election debates between Obama and
Romney, both sides should agree to submit detailed budget proposals in the
correct format for CBO assessment. The relevant congressional committees also
should agree to this exercise.
If one
presidential candidate refuses to cooperate in this manner, that should confer
an advantage on the candidate who is willing to disclose more fully the
specifics of his plan. And, to make this pressure to disclose meaningful, part
of one debate should focus on budget proposals, with the questions being
structured around how the CBO has reacted to specifics. If either candidate
does not want to bring the national debt under control, he should be pressed to
explain why.
This is
not a matter only for the world’s largest economies. Candidates to lead their
countries should not be allowed to get away with speaking in generalities or
engaging in vague rhetorical flourishes. Democracy can and should be better
than that.
Simon Johnson, a former chief economist of the IMF, is co-founder of a
leading economics blog, http://BaselineScenario.com,
a professor at MIT Sloan, a senior fellow at the Peterson Institute for
International Economics, and co-author, with James Kwak, of White
House Burning: The Founding Fathers, Our National Debt, and Why It Matters to
這一稅改願景的問題在於它隻是一種魔術——一種令人向往的幻象,根本沒有現實基礎。以羅姆尼(Mitt Romney)的最新建議為例——他大概將在11月大選中代表共和黨挑戰現任總統奧巴馬。羅姆尼希望降低稅率,受益者主要是處於收入分配頂端的人群。他還希望堵上漏洞,但他所提出的詳細方案不會有太大作用。他最激進的方案是取消第二套住房的按揭利息優惠,這對於增加稅收收入根本沒什麼效果。
美國人——以及許多其他國家的納稅人——需要更透明的方法來評估候選人的預算方案。在美國,有不少團體都提出了自己的評估。比如,盡責聯邦預算委員會(Committee for a Responsible
Federal Budget)就有一項上佳的服務,可對共和黨提名的候選對手所提出的財政計劃進行“評分”。