CAIRO – Mohamed
Morsi, Egypt’s
first-ever elected civilian president, recently granted himself sweeping
temporary powers in order, he claims, to attain the objectives of the
revolution that overthrew Hosni Mubarak’s dictatorship. But the decrees incited
strong opposition from many of the revolutionary forces that helped to
overthrow Mubarak (as well as from forces loyal to him), with protests erupting
anew in Cairo’s Tahrir

The new Constitutional Declaration,
the Revolution Protection Law, and the new presidential decrees have several
To remove the public prosecutor, a Mubarak-era holdover who failed to convict
dozens of that regime’s officials who had been charged with corruption and/or
abuse of power;
To protect the remaining elected and indirectly elected institutions (all of
which have an Islamist majority) from dissolution by Constitutional
Court judges (mostly Mubarak-era holdovers);
To bring about retrials of Mubarak’s security generals;
To compensate and provide pensions for the victims of repression during and
after the revolution.
While most Egyptians may support
Morsi’s aims, a dramatic expansion of presidential power in order to attain
them was, for many, a step too far. Given Egypt’s
extreme polarization and distrust between its Islamist and secular forces,
Morsi should have anticipated the protests. Suspicion of the powerful, after
all, has been one of the revolution’s animating factors. Another is a
“zero-sum” attitude: any achievement by Morsi is perceived by his opponents as
a loss.
The anti-Morsi forces are sharply
divided ideologically and politically. Nobel laureate Mohamed ElBaradei, a
liberal reformer, has little in common with Ahmed El-Zind, the head of the
Judges Club and a Mubarak loyalist. But the anti-Morsi forces that backed the
revolution regard the price of cleansing the judiciary as too high, arguing
that the constitutional declaration will lead to dictatorship.
Indeed, the declaration protects
presidential decrees from judicial review (although Morsi stipulated that it
pertains only to “sovereignty” matters, and stressed its temporary nature). It
also gives the president emergency-like power to fight vague threats, such as
those “endangering the life of the nation.” Only if the new draft constitution
is upheld in a popular referendum on December 15 will these provisions be
But the opposition factions have not
been adhering to democratic principles, either. Mostly comprising electoral
losers and remnants of Mubarak’s regime, some aim to topple Morsi, not just get
him to backtrack on his decree. ElBaradei, for example, “expects” the army to
do its national duty and intervene if “things get out of hand” – hardly a
compelling democratic stance, given the army’s track record.
Morsi’s decrees have undoubtedly
polarized Egyptian politics further. The worst-case scenario is street clashes
between pro- and anti-Morsi hardliners. Historically, such clashes have often
sparked civil war (for example, Spain
in 1936 or Tajikistan
in 1992) or brutal military coups (as in Indonesia
in 1965 and Turkey
in 1980).
For Morsi and his supporters, it was
imperative to neutralize the Constitutional Court judges, whose ruling last
June dissolved the first freely elected, post-revolution People’s Assembly (the
parliament’s lower house). According to the Morsi camp, the politicized Court
intended to dissolve the Consultative Council (the upper house) and the
Constitutional Assembly, as some of its judges publicly hinted. Likewise, the
sacked public prosecutor had failed to present any solid evidence against those
of Mubarak’s security chiefs and officers who were accused of killing
protestors, leading to acquittals for almost all of them.
As a president who was elected with
only a 51.7% majority, Morsi needs to be sensitive to the demands of his
supporters, mainly the Islamists and revolutionaries victimized by the security
forces. But, for many revolutionaries, there were other ways to sack a tainted
prosecutor and cleanse the judiciary. For example, a new law regulating the
judiciary has been a demand of the revolution since its early weeks.
For Morsi, the dilemma was that the Constitutional
Court could strike down the law, rendering the
effort meaningless. He had already backed off twice: once in July 2012, when he
abandoned his effort, under pressure from the Supreme Council of the Armed
Forces, to reinstate the elected parliament; and once when he tried to remove
the public prosecutor by making him Egypt’s
ambassador to the Holy See.
Morsi’s “Constitutional Declaration”
was a decisive – though undemocratic, polarizing, and thus politically costly –
step to break the impasse. And, while such decrees have led to dictatorships,
not democracies, in other countries undergoing political transition, none had a
politicized judicial entity that played the role of spoiler in the
democratization process.
Indeed, almost two years after the
revolution began, Egypt’s
security forces have not been reformed in any meaningful way. Now, Morsi, in
his effort to force out the prosecutor, will have to avoid opening another
front with the Mubarak-era security generals, whom he will need to protect
state institutions and maintain a minimum level of public security.
The security sector may, it seems,
emerge from this crisis as the only winner. It will enforce the rule of law,
but only for a price. That price will be reflected in the constitution, as well
as in the unwritten rules of Egypt’s
new politics. This constitutes a much more serious and lasting threat to Egypt’s
democratization than do Morsi’s temporary decrees.
新憲法宣言、革命保護法(Revolution Protection Law)和新總統令的目標包括:
· 解除公訴人職務,他是穆巴拉克時代的遺留官員,沒能証明受腐敗和/或濫用權力指控的穆巴拉克政權官員的罪行。
· 保護尚存的選舉和間接選舉機構(均由伊斯蘭教徒佔多數)不被憲法法院法官(大多為穆巴拉克時代遺留官員)宣布解散。
· 對穆巴拉克的安全將官進行複審。
· 為革命期間和革命之後被壓迫的受害者提供補償和養老金。
反穆爾西陣營的思想和政見是顯著分裂的。諾貝爾獎獲得者、自由派改革者巴拉迪與法官俱樂部(Judges Club)頭目、忠於穆巴拉克的辛德(Ahmed El-Zind)幾無相同之處。但支持革命的反穆爾西陣營認為清洗司法系統的代價太大,他們指出,憲法宣言將導致獨裁。