問:讀The Colonizer and the Colonized(殖民者與被殖民者)一書,見到以下兩句:(1)Just as the bourgeoisie proposes an image of the
proletariat, the existence of the colonizer requires that an image of the
colonized be suggested.(2)These
images become excuses without which the presence and conduct of a colonizer,
and that of a bourgeois, would seem shocking。第二句是什麼意思?第一句下半截的that和be
Colonizer and the Colonized這本書,但從上述兩句看來,殖民者和中產階級給被殖民者和無產階級塑造的形象,一定是「愚昧無知,須殖民者或中產階級啟迪」之類。
論文法,第一句下半截的that和be suggested可以刪去,意思也沒有什麼分別。不過,由於句子上半截有proposed an image的說法,下半截用同義的an
image... be suggested,會更加突出上半截所言the bourgeoisie和下半截所言the colonized的相似之處。而require之後,可以用名詞片語(noun phrase)an image of
the colonized,也可以用that子句(clause),即that an image of the colonized(should)be suggested。