問:劉家傑在YouTube教英文,說引用孔子的話,英文必須用現在式的Confucius says(孔子說),不可用過去式Confucius
答:「孔子說」英文絕對可以寫作Confucius said。孟子就曾經引述孔子的話:「孔子曰:『知我者其惟春秋乎,罪我者其惟春秋乎。』」著名英國漢學者理雅各(James
Legge)翻譯這段話如下:"Confucius said, 'Yes! It is the
Spring and Autumn which will make men know me, and it is the Spring and Autumn
which will make men condemn me.'" 理雅各沒有用現在式的Confucius
Quotes and One-Liners for Public Speakers第3874則就有以下一句:Jesus said once, "We are in this world but we
are not of it."(耶穌曾說:「我們身在這個世界,但不屬於這個世界。」
當然,引用書本或書本上某人的話,則英文一般會用現在式。例如:(1)In Mark 14:44, Judas
says, "The one I shall kiss is the man."(《馬可福音》第十四章四十四節猶大說:「我親吻的那個人,就是你們要的人。」)(2)As Animal Farm says, all people are equal, "but some
are more equal than others"(正如《動物農莊》說,人人平等,「但有些人更加平等」)。這兩句由於清楚注明出處,says都不可改為said。而猶大當然不是個「不朽」人物。