The Great Internet Blackout in
protest of proposed anti-piracy legislation was in full swing on Wednesday,
with thousands of websites either shutting down completely or posting
information about the bills. The target of the protest is the Stop Online
Piracy Act (Sopa) and its Senate counterpart the Protect IP Act (Pipa), both of
which are aimed at preventing copyright infringement. Here, photos of the blackout
from around the web
This screen shot shows the blacked-out
Wikipedia website, announcing a 24-hour protest against proposed
legislation in the Congress, intended to protect intellectual property
that critics say could facilitate censorship, referred to as the Stop
Online Piracy Act, or Sopa, and the Protect IP Act, or Pipa |
Mozilla blacks out in protest against Sopa |
Popular news-sharing site Reddit blacked out in protest against Sopa with information on how to contact members of Congress |
Wordpress makes a protest against Sopa with information on the propsed law |
Ars Technica joined 'Sopa Reistance Day' |
WIRED blacks out most of their website in protest against Sopa |
Google stuck a black block over its infamous logo with a message underneath about Sopa |
Minecraft's pun-y mesasge in protest of Sopa |
4chan blacked out in protest |
Also taking part in the protest is the icanhasCheezburger network, home of those adorable cat photos |
Comic site The Oatmeal blacked out completley |
Tumblr posted a protest on Wednesday, but did not shut down completely |
xkcd blocked its comic content in protest against Sopa |