In case you're not familiar with this
idea: In general, the Treasury Department is not allowed to just print
money if it feels like it. It must defer to the Federal Reserve's control of
the money supply. But there is an exception: Platinum coins may be struck with
whatever specifications the Treasury secretary sees fit, including
This law was intended to allow the production of commemorative coins for collectors. But it can also be used to create large-denomination coins that Treasury can deposit with the Fed to finance payment of the government's bills, in lieu of issuing debt.
This law was intended to allow the production of commemorative coins for collectors. But it can also be used to create large-denomination coins that Treasury can deposit with the Fed to finance payment of the government's bills, in lieu of issuing debt.

This is a frustrating pattern of facts. Liberals are frustrated by this creaming, and by the fact that there exists such a thing as a "debt limit" that prevents the executive from financing the programmes it is legally obliged to run. Conservatives are frustrated to discover that record deficits have done next to nothing to slow the growth of the beast, much less to begin to "starve" it. The ultimate problem is simply that the American public makes consistently inconsistent demands, so government must strive to meet them, or get replaced by one that will. But there will be a reckoning.
Jonathan Chait says that "At some point, we will likely face a choice of cutting benefits or raising taxes, and in the face of a simple, zero-sum choice like that, voters would overwhelmingly favor tax hikes." When shove comes to push, I don't think any of us really knows whether congress and the president can negotiate its way out of this jam, much less whether push or shove will prevail. Predictions, such as Mr Chait's, about the most likely mix of tax increases and spending cuts are mostly speculative wish-fulfillment. Speaking of which...commentators with technocratic leanings I think find it especially frustrating that a higher rate of inflation, which would erode the value of the debt and also boost growth and, thereby, revenue, is not on the democratic negotiating table. The fancy of a $1 trillion platinum coin is so tantalising in part because it puts a monetary option in play. The larger attraction, though, is that it does so in a way that honours democracy by sticking to the letter of democratic legislation, yet also flirts with the heady unilateral decisiveness of fascism. This is, I'm afraid, a combination powerfully intoxicating to the pundit id. We'd be better served, however, if the commentariat would rein in its id, stop its idle chatter about exotic, coin-based, presidential monetary policy, and begin seriously to consider the more probable but less glittering eventuality of a Greek-style default.