問:說「年紀小」,有人用small age而不是young age一詞,兩者有什麼分別?
除了young age,英文可用tender age說幼年或童年,例如:He was sent to a boarding school at the very young
age / the tender age of seven(他才七歲,就被送到學校寄宿)。
答:Company、team(隊)、school(學校)、public(公眾)等集合名詞(collective noun),一般視作單數或複數都可以。視為單數,則代名詞用it、its、which、that等;視為複數,則代名詞用they、their、who、that等,例如:Our team, which is very well trained, is not likely to
lose / Our team, who are very well trained, are not likely to lose(我們的一隊,訓練有素,不大可能落敗)。
假如集合名詞所說的組織,明顯視為一個整體,宜當作單數名詞;但假如要強調該組織的成員,則宜當作複數名詞,例如:(1)The Red Cross is an
international organisation(紅十字會是一國際組織)。(2)The Red Cross are working hard to send food and medicine to
the flood victims(紅十字會人員正致力把食物、藥物送到洪水災民手上)。