But a Utah-based company, Myriad Genetics, claims more than that. It claims to own the rights to any test for the presence of the two critical genes associated with breast cancer – and has ruthlessly enforced that right, though their test is inferior to one that Yale University was willing to provide at much lower cost. The consequences have been tragic: Thorough, affordable testing that identifies high-risk patients saves lives. Blocking such testing costs lives. Myriad is a true example of an American corporation for which profit trumps all other values, including the value of human life itself.
This a particularly poignant case. Normally, economists talk about trade-offs: weaker intellectual-property rights, it is argued, would undermine incentives to innovate. The irony here is that Myriad’s discovery would have been made in any case, owing to a publicly funded, international effort to decode the entire human genome that was a singular achievement of modern science. The social benefits of Myriad’s slightly earlier discovery have been dwarfed by the costs that its callous pursuit of profit has imposed.
More broadly, there is increasing recognition that the patent system, as currently designed, not only imposes untold social costs, but also fails to maximize innovation – as Myriad’s gene patents demonstrate. After all, Myriad did not invent the technologies used to analyze the genes. If these technologies had been patented, Myriad might not have made its discoveries. And its tight control of the use of its patents has inhibited the development by others of better and more accurate tests for the presence of the gene. The point is a simple one: All research is based on prior research. A poorly designed patent system – like the one we have now – can inhibit follow-on research.
That is why we do not allow patents for basic insights in mathematics. And it is why research shows that patenting genes actually reduces the production of new knowledge about genes: the most important input in the production of new knowledge is prior knowledge, to which patents inhibit access.
Fortunately, what motivates most significant advances in knowledge is not profit, but the pursuit of knowledge itself. This has been true of all of the transformative discoveries and innovations – DNA, transistors, lasers, the Internet, and so on.
A separate US legal case has underscored one of the main dangers of patent-driven monopoly power: corruption. With prices far in excess of the cost of production, there are, for example, huge profits to be gained by persuading pharmacies, hospitals, or doctors to shift sales to your products.
The US Attorney for the Southern District of New York recently accused the Swiss pharmaceutical giant Novartis of doing exactly this by providing illegal kickbacks, honoraria, and other benefits to doctors – exactly what it promised not to do when it settled a similar case three years earlier. Indeed, Public Citizen, a US consumer advocacy group, has calculated that, in the US alone, the pharmaceutical industry has paid out billions of dollars as a result of court judgments and financial settlements between pharmaceutical manufacturers and federal and state governments.
Sadly, the US and other advanced countries have been pressing for stronger intellectual-property regimes around the world. Such regimes would limit poor countries’ access to the knowledge that they need for their development – and would deny life-saving generic drugs to the hundreds of millions of people who cannot afford the drug companies’ monopoly prices.
The issue is coming to a head in ongoing World Trade Organization negotiations. The WTO’s intellectual-property agreement, called TRIPS, originally foresaw the extension of “flexibilities” to the 48 least-developed countries, where average annual per capita income is below $800. The original agreement seems remarkably clear: the WTO shall extend these “flexibilities” upon the request of the least-developed countries. While these countries have now made such a request, the US and Europe appear hesitant to oblige.
Intellectual-property rights are rules that we create – and that are supposedto improve social well-being. But unbalanced intellectual-property regimes result in inefficiencies – including monopoly profits and a failure to maximize the use of knowledge – that impede the pace of innovation. And, as the Myriad case shows, they can even result in unnecessary loss of life.
America’s intellectual-property regime – and the regime that the US has helped to foist upon the rest of the world through the TRIPS agreement – is unbalanced. We should all hope that, with its decision in the Myriad case, the Supreme Court will contribute to the creation of a more sensible and humane framework.
Joseph E. Stiglitz, a
Nobel laureate in economics and University Professor at Columbia University,
was Chairman of President Bill Clinton’s Council of Economic Advisers and
served as Senior Vice President and Chief Economist of the World Bank. His most
recent book is The Price of Inequality: How Today’s Divided Society
Endangers our Future.
但美國猶他州的麥利亞德基因公司(Myriad Genetics)不止於此,它稱擁有與乳腺癌兩個關鍵基因所有測驗的專利,並且毫不留情地行使這權利,儘管其測試不及由耶魯大學所提供較便宜的檢驗。其後果是可悲的:對高危病人提供徹底且可負擔的檢查可以挽救生命。不準許這種檢查會賠上生命。麥利亞德是唯利是圖的典型美國企業,甚至罔顧人命。
更多人越來越覺得現有的專利制度不獨令社會付上沉重 的代價,更如麥利亞德公司的這基因專利般未能擴大創新。何況分析基因的技術不是麥利亞德公司發明,如果那些技術都有專利權,麥利亞德公司就不能有所發現了。而它對其專利權的緊密控制已經阻礙了發展更好更準確之基因測試研究。其實很簡單 , 所有的研究都是建基於已往的相關研究。像目前這個設計糟糕的專利權制度會阻礙往後的研究。
可哀的是,美國和其他發達國家一直 催逼加強全球知識產權管制。這種制度會限制貧窮國家得到發展所需的知識——並且會讓數以億計的人因支付不起藥物公司靠壟斷而生的高價藥物而無法得到用來救命的非專利藥物 (genric drugs)。