問:有運動用品手冊說:Whatever your sport, the new ×
is the perfect partner for your training(無論你從事什麼運動,新的×都是你訓練時的良伴)。Whatever
your sport之後,是不是應加動詞is?
generous his offer(is), I am
not accepting it(無論他的建議多麼慷慨,我都不會接受)。(2)Whatever
your decision (is), I will support you(無論你怎樣決定,我都支持你)。讀者示下那一句,當然可以加is,但不加也可以。
問:有外國人打電話來,要告訴他「我是代表公司說的,我們已經下班,請在辦公時間再打電話來」,英文可不可以這樣說?──I am for behalf of the Branch of Bambi(HK)Limited. Our company is closed now. Please call here from 9
am to 5 pm for office hour。
答:「代表公司說話」,英文是to speak for the company或to
speak on behalf of the company,但不可說for behalf等等。讀者的第一句可改為I am speaking on behalf of the Hong Kong branch
of Bambi Ltd。不過,你接電話,人家自然知道你是該公司職員,而你恐怕也不能「代表公司」。所以,這一句根本不必說。你應說的是:I'm
sorry, our company is closed. Please call back during our regular business
hours, which are 9 am to 5 pm。