問:陸谷孫教授筆下 But all to no
答:拙欄昨天說過, But all to no
請看以下一句: In between those(古按:
those指昂山素姬早期的照片) and the latest one she took after she
had emerged from confinement, some 20 years have elapsed(她幽禁結束之後拍的最新一張照片,和她早期的那些照片,相距約有二十年)。這一句犯了兩個錯誤。第一,句中所說二十年,是「昂山素姬拍最新一張照片」之前的時間,所以動詞須用過去完成式 had elapsed。 Have elapsed應是指直到陸谷孫下筆那一刻,當然不對。此外, the latest one
she took即 the latest picture that she took,也即昂山素姬是拿相機者,而不是被拍攝者。陸谷孫無疑把中文當作英文:中文「她拍的照片」可以指「她是相中人」。但英文不可以這樣,可改為 the
latest one taken of her。
陸谷孫又說: Her father was assassinated. Will she
follow in his footsteps? She didn't. To date, at least(昂山素姬父親遭暗殺,她會不會步父親後塵?她沒有,至少到目前都沒有)。既說「到目前」為止,也就是到陸谷孫下筆那一刻,動詞就不應用過去式 She didn't,而須改用現在完成式 She