A longer view: from Senegal
to Syria,
women have put themselves at the front of different protest
movements all over the world during the past week
Kiev, Ukraine: a protest by the campaign group Femen against the absence of female ministers in the Ukrainian cabinet |
Mumbai, India: textile mill workers at a march
calling for work after many were made jobless during prolonged strikes
in the early 1990s |
Male, Maldives: a protester peers through riot
shields during a rally. Opposition MPs in the Maldives have prevented
the new president, who is accused of seizing power in a coup, from
opening parliament |
Syria: a Syrian anti-government protester. Syria
has faced mounting international criticism over its bloody crackdown on
the uprising |
Madrid, Spain: students demonstrate against
austerity measures in education. Students across Spain staged sit-ins
and noisy demonstrations over crisis spending cuts, labour market
reforms and recent police violence against protesters |
La Paz, Bolivia: a woman clashes with riot police
during a protest by hundreds of disabled people in La Paz to demand
government support |
New York, US: a protester is arrested outside Bank
of America. Occupy movements across the country are holding protests in
dozens of cities against corporate power |
Port-au-Prince, Haiti: a supporter of the Lavalas
movement and its leader, the former president Jean-Bertrand Aristide,
protests against the current president, Michel Martelly |
London, UK: a woman wrapped in a duvet keeps warm
as riot police prepare to remove protesters from the Occupy encampment
in front of St Paul's Cathedral |
São Paulo, Brazil: a woman lights candles during a
protest over the death of the cyclist Juliana Ingrid Dias. Dias was hit
by a bus at Avenida Paulista on Friday. About 50 cyclists are killed
each year by traffic accidents in São Paulo |
Rome, Italy: a supporter of the No Tav (no to
high-speed trains) movement takes part in a demonstration organised by
residents of the Susa valley, who say construction of rail tunnels would
damage the environment |
Syria: a woman holds a machine gun during an anti-government demonstration |
London, UK: a small demonstration against the sale
of foie gras at Fortnum and Mason as the Queen, the Duchess of Cornwall
and the Duchess of Cambridge visit the department store |
Gostivar, Macedonia: ethnic Albanian women hold
the pictures of two murdered Albanians during a protest against police
brutality. A Macedonian police officer who was not on duty killed two
young people, members of the Albanian minority, in the ethnically mixed
city of Gostivar |
Srinagar, India: Kashmiri Muslim workers demonstrate against the government during a one-day general strike |
Bogota, Colombia: members of the Network of Women
take part in a march to protest against discrimination and violence
against women. The march is part of the protest movement that began as a
SlutWalk |
St Petersburg, Russia: police detain a protester after Vladimir Putin's election victory |
Kuala Lumpur: a Syrian woman living in Malaysia
displays her chained hands during a silent protest against the killing
of civilians in her home country |
Barcelona, Spain: a woman runs for cover as riot police clash with students during a demonstration against education cuts |
Manila, Philippines: protesters march towards the
department of energy to demonstrate against another round of oil price
increases, the ninth this year, by the major oil companies in the
country |
Dakar, Senegal: women take part in a peaceful
protest calling on the Senegalese president, Abdoulaye Wade, to withdraw
his bid for a third period in office on the final day of the
presidential election campaign |
New Delhi, India: women join a protest before
International Women's Day. The women were demanding revision of the
government's lowest benchmark for poverty and improvement in the status
of women |
London, UK: a woman shows her solidarity with
Occupy protesters who were evicted from outside St Paul's Cathedral
after the court of appeal refused them permission to challenge the order |
Yakutsk, Russia: supporters of Vladimir Putin celebrate his victory in the presidential elections in Siberia |