The challenges erupting daily across Syria extend far beyond the criminal conduct of its leaders. The international community’s most important task is to force an end to the bombardments and killings, and to provide humanitarian relief to the country’s besieged civilian populations. If ever there was a case for preventing atrocities and activating the UN’s “responsibility to protect,” Syria provides it. But further political pressure, economic sanctions, and humanitarian action through a tough UN Security Council resolution still seem remote, given resistance by Russia and China – both of which are permanent Council members and closely allied to the Assad regime.
An initiative in New York to craft a Security Council resolution that only refers the Syrian situation to the International Criminal Court would not be enough to save many lives, but it might be a plausible first step at a time when few other options are available.

Last year, the Security Council unanimously voted to refer the Libyan situation to the ICC for investigation several weeks before it adopted a second resolution creating the NATO no-fly zone over Libya. Russia and China abstained from the vote on that resolution, and now angrily resent its adoption, because it resulted in regime change rather than just humanitarian protection of Libyan civilians. But the Council’s earlier referral of Libya to the ICC was an entirely different initiative, and Russia and China supported it.
Impunity for atrocity crimes has been radically diminished during the last 20 years with the rise of international criminal tribunals for the Balkans, Rwanda, Sierra Leone, Cambodia, and the permanent court in The Hague. Such major political and military leaders as Slobodan Milošević, Radovan Karadžić, Ratko Mladić, Charles Taylor, Jean Kambanda, Muammar el-Qaddafi, Omar al-Bashir, Jean-Pierre Bemba, and others have been indicted – and many prosecuted – during this period. While some tyrants will escape justice in coming years, Assad surely must appreciate that his own impunity is in doubt.
How should a Security Council referral of Syria to the ICC be framed in order to attract Russian and Chinese support (or at least abstention)? A “clean” referral like the one used last year to bring the Libyan situation before the Court might not work this time. The Security Council has the power to tailor the referral and to limit to some extent the Court’s jurisdiction to investigate and prosecute. Mollifying Russia and China might require providing some escape hatch, which Assad and regime officials could use before the full weight of the Court’s jurisdiction comes thundering down on them.
If, for example, the Security Council gave Assad and his colleagues one week to quit power and leave the country for asylum in, say, Tunisia (or perhaps Russia), the Council would explicitly omit their names from its referral of the Syrian situation to the Court. Such officials would have to demonstrate indefinitely their complete withdrawal from political and military power in Syria in order to qualify for continued omission from the Court’s jurisdiction.
Russia and China cannot be perpetually blind to the discrediting reality of supporting a regime bent on destroying sectors of its own population. Rebel leaders found responsible for atrocity crimes also would have to fall within the jurisdiction of the Court to conduct fair and comprehensive investigations of all egregious criminal actions against civilians and even soldiers.

David Scheffer, Professor of Law at Northwestern
and former US
Ambassador at Large for War Crimes Issues, is the author of All the Missing
Souls: A Personal History of the War Crimes Tribunals.