剛好同時新聞也播出,在德國的前納綷集中營遺址,一塊著名的鐵閘大門被偷走。而這道鐵閘之所以出名,是因為鐵閘上大大隻字寫着:Arbeit Macht Frei,意譯為「勞動令人有自由」。原意是用來提醒裡面被關押為奴隸的人,不接受奴役你就要死。
什麼意思? 就是這位大叔的「正常收入」,其實本來也不夠錢讓他的兒子吃飯,他必須「加班」才夠錢讓兒子吃飯。看清楚了沒有?
想請問這位電車司機先生,梁振英是不是你朋友呢? 須知電車公司是由跨國財團擁有的交通基建項目,照道理他的老闆不至於「寒酸」到要「扣飯鐘錢」吧? 沒有呀! 而起碼他的工作仍然存在,也沒有被炒魷。唯一不同的,只是沒有了「加班費」而已。而居然這份「必須在正常工作以外加班的收入」才足夠他一家人基本的溫飽。 倒過來想想:實情是,他的正常收入根本不夠溫飽。
那麼佔中那班小朋友在爭取什麼呢? 就是爭取一個公平的政治環境,防止政府一面倒向財團傾斜,確保社會有正常的收入分配。說到底,就是不想這位電車司機在學的兒子捱肚餓!
而梁振英呢? 基本上講得很明白了,就是這位司機大叔月入唔夠萬四,千祈唔好要求任何政治權利。於是這位司機大叔可以繼續做他的現代奴隸,「不加班就別想吃飯」。而至於 查史美倫,就更加連語言偽術也省掉:一班黑奴也要「解放」過百年才能有平等呀….言之下意,香港的打工仔,其實和黑奴差不多而已,吵什麼?
其實勞工團體不是沒有察覺這個荒謬的情況,而且圖文並茂地向公眾早就展示了出來。所謂「深層次矛盾」,其實真是簡單到不得了。只可惜,有一些所謂勞工團體,心中所「愛」的對象,原來不是勞工! 那又不知如何說起了….

其實這個真人演譯比起什麼政治宣傳都更有說服力:在一個公民權利不受保障的社會,大家唯一能相信的「法治原則」,就是 :
Arbeit Macht Frei
假如不想這樣,又可以如何? 例如好像魯迅筆下的【藥】一般,把廣場上的學生拿去殺頭,然後拿鮮血烤一些「血饅頭」出來,好讓這位司機大叔的兒子好好吃個飽,好嗎?
Cause I lost my
job two weeks before Christmas
And I talked to Jesus at the sewer
And the Pope said it was none of his God-damned business
While the rain drank champagne
And I talked to Jesus at the sewer
And the Pope said it was none of his God-damned business
While the rain drank champagne
My Estonian
Archangel came and got me wasted
Cause the sweetest kiss I ever got is the one I've never tasted
Oh but they'll take their bonus pay to Molly McDonald,
Neon ladies, beauty is that which obeys, is bought or borrowed
Cause the sweetest kiss I ever got is the one I've never tasted
Oh but they'll take their bonus pay to Molly McDonald,
Neon ladies, beauty is that which obeys, is bought or borrowed
Cause my heart's
become a crooked hotel full of rumours
But it's I who pays the rent for these fingered-face out-of-tuners
and I make 16 solid half hour friendships every evening
But it's I who pays the rent for these fingered-face out-of-tuners
and I make 16 solid half hour friendships every evening
Cause your queen
of hearts who is half a stone
And likes to laugh alone is always threatening you with leaving
Oh but they play those token games on Willy Thompson
And give a medal to replace the son of Mrs. Annie Johnson
And likes to laugh alone is always threatening you with leaving
Oh but they play those token games on Willy Thompson
And give a medal to replace the son of Mrs. Annie Johnson
Cause they told me
everybody's got to pay their dues
And I explained that I had overpaid them
So overdued I went to the company store
and the clerk there said that they had just been invaded
So I set sail in a teardrop and escaped beneath the doorsill
And I explained that I had overpaid them
So overdued I went to the company store
and the clerk there said that they had just been invaded
So I set sail in a teardrop and escaped beneath the doorsill
Cause the smell of
her perfume echoes in my head still
Cause I see my people trying to drown the sun
In weekends of whiskey sours
Cause how many times can you wake up in this comic book and plant flowers?
Cause I see my people trying to drown the sun
In weekends of whiskey sours
Cause how many times can you wake up in this comic book and plant flowers?