問:In the wake of這片語(phrase),常見用來說「緊隨一件不好的事情」,例如in the wake of the earthquake(緊隨地震之後)。這成語也可用來說「緊隨好的事情」嗎?
ocean liner's wake almost overturned the rowboat(那遠洋郵輪的尾波,差點把划艇弄翻)。
the wake of就是「接踵而來」或「緊隨其後」。這片語的確多用來說緊隨不好的事情,《牛津高階英漢雙解詞典》的例句就是:There have been demonstrations on the streets in the wake of the recent
bomb attack(最近的炸彈襲擊,激起群眾走到街上遊行抗議)。
不過,這片語絕對不限於說不好的事,例如英國Frank Cass出版社的American War Plans 1945-1950一書第一章說:The United States and
the Soviet Union would in fact become the world's dominant powers in the wake
of the Allied victory(同盟國勝利之後,美蘇的確都成為天下霸主)。你也可以說:Mrs Thatcher's
popularity ratings improved in the wake of her successful defence of the
Falkland Islands(戴卓爾夫人保住了福克蘭群島,民望上升)。
此外,in the wake of也可用來說「緊隨着某人或某些人」,例如:A silver
band followed in the wake of the parade(一支銀樂隊,緊隨遊行隊伍之後)。