
古德明: 本校學生、有學生證

問:要說「本大學學生,具有效學生證者,都可參加比賽」,以下哪一句較好?──(1)The contest is open to the students of the university who have valid student cards。(2)The contest is open to students of the university, and with valid student cards。

答:這兩句帶出的第一個問題,是應說the students of the university還是students of the university。論文法,兩個說法都正確,但the students of the university一般是指「大學全體學生」,而students of the university則是個別而言,指「大學的學生」,例如:(1)The students of the university are united in their opposition to the new regulation(大學學生一致反對這新規例)。(2)Students of the university crowded the railway station(火車站擠滿了該大學的學生)。讀者那一句,用students當勝於the students。

另一個問題,是句子下半截哪個說法較好。答案應是who have valid student cards,第二句的and with valid student cards文法不正確。

With可以解作「有」,常用在所有者之後,不加逗點,例如a man with a strong sense of responsibility(十分負責的人)、a house with four bedrooms(有四間卧房的屋)、a child with no brothers and sisters(沒有兄弟姊妹的孩子)等。讀者那一句,with之前不應用and和逗點:The singing contest is open to students of the university with valid student cards。