
古德明: 單數或複數?傾向於


答:一般而言,說某類人或物,單數名詞可以取代複數。例如:(1A customer with a membership card / Customers with membership cards will be given a 10 percent discount(顧客有會員證,購物可獲九折)。(2The customer / Customers can return defective goods within two weeks of purchase(顧客可於購買後兩星期之內,退還有缺損的貨品)。A customer指任何一個顧客,the customer則等於customers:英文常用「the+單數名詞」泛指該名詞所說的人或物。

當然,說一般顧客,無論是用a customerthe customer還是customers,最好全文統一,例如不宜一時說customers,一時則說the customer

問:有報紙專欄說,prone to(有……傾向、容易……的)之後,須用ing動詞,對嗎?我向來都用原形動詞(infinitive)。

答:動詞片語(phrasal verb)之後,假如可用名詞,則其後的動詞一般都要加ing,化作動名詞(gerund),例如:I look forward to his arrival / to seeing him(我盼望他到來/盼望見到他)。

不過,prone tocommitted to(致力於、承諾了)一樣,其後既可用名詞或動名詞,也可用原形動詞,這是慣用法,不可解釋,例如:He is prone to anger / to getting angry / to get angry when he is not obeyed(不服從他,他往往就會動怒)。