
古德明: 有興趣、有天賦

問:To be interested to do something to be interested in doing something有什麼分別?

答:Interested in 是指對人、物、活動等有興趣,interested to則是指對消息感到興趣,所以interested to 之後多用hearlearnfindseeread等表示「獲悉」的動詞。請比較以下兩句:(1I was interested in learning to dance(我有興趣學跳舞)。(2I was interested to learn that coffee was once regarded as a heathen beverage(我發覺咖啡一度被視為邪教飲料,覺得有趣)。

問:He is talented in / at / with music(他有音樂的天賦)這一句,應用哪個介系詞?Talented 假如改為 gifted,介系詞又應用哪一個?

答:Talentedgifted都可以指「有天賦的」;要說在哪些事情上有天賦,用inat帶出都可以,例如:He is talented / gifted in(或 atmusic。要說「獲上天賦與某種才能」,則可用 to be gifted with 來說,例如:He is gifted with the ability to write poetry(他有作詩的天賦)。

作名詞,gift talent 之後,都可用for帶出具有什麼天賦,例如:He has a gift / talent for writing poetry
