
陶傑: 真正的領袖






 [J1]It is exactly this ‘siege’ psychology that shaped the early inception  of Israel state, its policies in dealing with the indigenous Palestinian population including expropriation of their properties and denying them citizenship. Benjamin Netayahu is from the right-wing Lukid party and serves as Prime Minister of Israel for the second time. To be fair, Likud is not the most extreme  right-wing party in Israeli political spectrum. He slowed down and stopped the Oslo Accords during his first premiership. It is his inflammatory speech attacking the accords that caused the assassination of Yitzhak Rabin, one of the signees. Rabin’s widow, Leah, shaked hands with Arafat in her husband’s funeral but refused to do so with Netayahu. It is a sad piece of history still unfolding and an irony to see the Jews turning from victims of WWII into victimizers today. If陶傑 endorses this kind of mentality, he has no reason to criticize the Communist Party of China (Might means right) . One should read more comprehensively if one wants to understand the Israeli-Palestinian conflicts, like from Avi Shlaim and Ilan Pappé, the so-called Israel’s New Historians.

Nur Masalha: The question of refugees 60 years after the Nakba


Nur-eldeen (Nur) Masalha is Professor of Religion and Politics and Director of the Centre for Religion and History and the Holy Land Research Project at St. Mary's University College, University of Surrey. He is currently also Professorial Research Associate, Department of History, School of Oriental and African Studies (University of London). He is also a member of the Kuwait Programme, Department of Government, London School of Economics (monograph, with Stephanie Cronin, on ‘The Islamic Republic of Iran and the GCC States: From Revolution to Realpolitik?).