
古德明: Such that 和 literally

問:Such that二字,是用來帶出結果的嗎?以下一句是甚麼意思?── The sums of money were such that sort of intervention was not required


Such that 常用在be(即iswas 等)之後,意思是「如此……以致」,和讀者「用來帶出結果」的猜想差不多,例如:(1Their greed for money and power is such that you cannot expect them to listen to reason(他們那樣貪錢貪權,你不可能期望他們聽取道理)。(2The heat was such that I was soon sweating like a pig(我不久就熱得汗出如漿)。讀者示下那一句,略去了一個that字,句子全寫是The sums of money were such that that sort of intervention was not required

問:小說、劇集中的對話,常常有 literally一字,字典的解釋則似和對話內容不合。這個字究竟是怎樣用的?

答:我不知道讀者說的literally用於什麼場合,確實是什麼意思。但literalliterally是指「嚴格按照字面意思」,所以「直譯」叫literal translation。英文常用literally一字,表示「所言並無誇大」,例如:(1There were literally hundreds of thousands of protesters(抗議者以十萬計,絕無誇張)。(2I am literally penniless(我的的確確一文不名)。