
古德明: 時式簡略法

問:以下兩句,根據時式簡略法(tense simplification),應用什麼動詞時式?──(1What is / would be the first thing you do / would do if you became a ten-year-old boy?(假如你變成十男孩,會做的第一件事是什麼?)(2If it had been me who was / has been / had been given this expensive gift, I would have donated it to charity(假如我獲贈這樣昂貴的禮物,我會捐贈給慈善機構)。

答:英文動詞有未來、現在、過去、完成等時式。所謂時式簡略法,是指主要子句(main clause)的動詞時式,已交代了所事情的時間,其他子句的動詞,雖然所時間相同,但或會改用簡單一點的時式。請看以下兩句:(1I will make sure that everything is ready tomorrow(我會致力務求明天一切準備好)。(2He will not agree even if I ask him(我即使問他,他都不會答應)。第一句的is ready和第二句的ask,都不用未來式will be readywill ask

讀者示下的第一句,現在不可能發生的事,應用假設過去式,What would be the first thing you would do if等,那would do很少簡略為did。第二句過去沒有發生的事,應用假設過去完成式,即If it had been me who had been given等,但had been given往往簡略為was given
