
古德明: 雞口牛後、餐館告示

問:有報紙專欄談到a big fish in a small pond(小池塘的大魚)一語,說「這表示某人是『雞口』而非『牛後』,甚至有尊崇之意」,這話對嗎?查字典,不見有「尊崇」的意思。

答:這成語在美國變做a big frog in a small pond(小池塘的大青蛙),意思頗似In the country of the blind, the one-eyed man is king(盲人國裏,獨眼稱王)。中文的同義成語是「山中無老虎,猴子稱大王」。這些成語,很難說有無褒貶含義,但用作貶語似乎較多,也可以不貶不褒。以下例句,錄自Collins COBUILD Dictionary of IdiomsNTC's American Idioms Dictionary,當可說明這一點:(1Being a big fish in a tiny, stagnant pool clearly gives controversial columnists ideas way above their station(毀譽不一的專欄作家,在小得可憐的天地裏出人頭地,就夜郎自大)。(2I'd rather be a big frog in a small pond than the opposite(我寧為雞口,不作牛後)。

問:一家日式餐館有壽司迴旋傳送,並有告示說,如果其中沒有想要的食物,可向店員要:Please order from staff。這句英文正確嗎?可不可改為Please place an order with our staff

答:Please place an order with our staff當然沒有錯,但告示為求簡潔,說Please order from staff就可以。那位讀者說,查字典,不見orderfoodfrom someone的說法,因此懷疑有誤,但字典不可能所有句式都列出,餐館那說法是沒有問題的。