
Israeli strikes on Gaza continue - in pictures

Gaza conflict: Smoke and fire from an Israeli bomb rises into the air ove Gaza City
Smoke and fire from an Israeli bomb rises into the air above Gaza City

Gaza conflict: Palestinians flee their homes after an Israeli strike  in Gaza City, Monday
Palestinians flee their homes after an Israeli strike in Gaza City, Monday
Gaza conflict: Israeli soldiers perform their morning prayers
Israeli soldiers touch the Torah as they perform their morning prayers at the border
Gaza conflict: Handprints on the wall of a building destroyed by an Israeli airstrike
Handprints on the wall of a building destroyed by an Israeli air strike in Gaza City

Gaza conflict: A man walks past the remains of a Hamas building n Gaza City
A man walks past the remains of a Hamas building in Gaza City

Gaza conflict: A rocket is launched towards Israel
Rockets are launched towards Israel by Palestinian militants from Gaza City

Gaza conflict: The rubble of a destroyed Hamas compound
The rubble of a destroyed Hamas compound after an Israeli air strike in Gaza City
Gaza conflict: Israeli police collect the remains of a palestinian rocket
Israeli police collect the remains of ordnance fired by Palestinian militants from the Gaza Strip that landed in the southern Israeli town of Ashkelon
Gaza conflict: A woman is evacuated by a paramedic
A woman is evacuated by a paramedic after an Israeli air raid on a sports centre in Gaza City

Gaza conflict: Iron Dome system fire in Sderot
The Israeli iron dome defence system fires an anti-missile rocket to intercept rockets fired from Gaza, over Sderot, Israel
Gaza conflict: A women walks through the remains of a house
A woman speaks on a telephone as she walks through the remains of a neighbour's house in Gaza City

Gaza conflict: An Israeli tank squadron attend a morning briefing at the border with Gaza
An Israeli tank squadron attends a morning briefing at the border with Gaza

Gaza conflict: A Palestinian family fleeing airstrikes move to a safer area of Gaza City
A Palestinian family fleeing air strikes move to a safer area of Gaza City

Gaza conflict: A Palestinian man sits in ruins Gaza City
A Palestinian man sits in a building destroyed by an Israeli air strike in Gaza City
Gaza conflict: Israeli Troops Continue To Gather On Border As UN Call For Truce
IDF soldiers prepare weapons on Israel's border with Gaza

Gaza conflict: Palestinians carry the body of a child  in Gaza City
Palestinians carry the body of a child belonging to the al-Dalo family during a mass funeral in Gaza City. Nine members of the Dalo family, including four children, were killed in an Israeli strike on their house on Sunday

Gaza conflict: Locals look at  destruction after an Israeli air strike on nearby houses
Locals look at the destruction after an Israeli air strike on nearby houses in Gaza City
Gaza conflict: Israeli soldiers take position during clashes with Palestinians
Israeli soldiers take position during clashes with Palestinians after Israeli settlers from the Yitzhar settlement allegedly set the door of a mosque on fire in the West Bank village of Urif
Gaza conflict: Palestinian protesters cut a section of the West Bank separation barrier
Palestinian protesters cut a section of Israel's separation barrier in the West Bank village of Rafat, near Ramallah, during a protest against Israel's operation in the Gaza Strip
Gaza conflict: Palestinians look at a destroyed house after an Israeli air strike in Gaza
Palestinians look at a destroyed house after an Israeli air strike in Gaza City
gaza conflict continues: Smoke trails from rockets fired by Palestinian militants
Smoke trails from rockets fired by Palestinian militants rise from Gaza City

gaza conflict continues: Israelis look up as a siren signals warns of incoming rockets in Ashkelon
Israelis look up as a siren signals warns of incoming rockets in Ashkelon

gaza conflict continues: An Israeli police officer inspects an unexploded Grad missile in Ashkelon
An Israeli police officer inspects an unexploded Grad missile in Ashkelon
gaza conflict continues: An Israeli attack on smuggling tunnels between Egypt and Rafah
An Israeli attack on smuggling tunnels on the border between Egypt and Rafah
gaza conflict continues: Firefighters
Firefighters try to extinguish a fire after an Israeli strike on a building in Gaza City
gaza conflict continues: protest at Howwara checkpoint near Nablus, West Bank
A protester helps a wounded comrade after clashes during a protest at the Howwara checkpoint near Nablus, in the West Bank