
李輝﹕國民教育科風波背後 ——用生態系統理論分析反國教科運動成因

由一班中學生掀起的「反國教科」運動,最終令國教科課程指引擱置。如斯結局,確令很多人大跌眼鏡。何以至此?事後諸葛,本人嘗試運用美國心理學家布朗芬布倫納(Urie Bronfenbrenner)的生態系統理論(ecological systems theory)透視背後的深層次原因,與社會各界反思。

回歸以來  宏觀系統(Macrosystem)的巨變

1. 國際:中國和平崛起,美日歐經濟低迷,此消彼長之下,嫉妒和醜化在所難免,而中國的負面新聞進一步坐實了妖魔化的評論。

2. 國內:維穩、和諧為最高原則,政改未動,民主法制薄弱,劉曉波、李旺陽事件一再觸動港人敏感的神經。經濟上高速增長,卻付出了環境污染、誠信敗壞、食品不安全等沉重代價,打擊了港人脆弱的信心。

3. 本港:經濟上先後遭受亞洲金融風暴和國際金融海嘯等重創,唯有靠自由行來推高就業率和虛火的繁榮。而水貨客和不文明的遊客,令香港更加百物騰貴、不堪重負,「蝗蟲論」更加劇了「中港矛盾」。在媒體炒作下,中國被妖魔化,港人更難接受中國人身分的認同。而曾班子貪腐、不作為,完全透支了市民對政府的信任。年年「六四」燭光晚會更將偶然事件釘成中共的原罪,將港人恐共心理演化成本能反應。

回歸以來  外在系統(Exosystem)的巨變



回歸以來  中介系統(Mesosystem)的變化


回歸以來  微觀系統(Microsystem)的變化







生態系統理論(Ecological Systems Theory),有時也被稱作背景發展理論或者人際生態理論,將人際關係分成了四套依次層疊的環境系統。這些系統彼此之間又相互影響。該理論由尤里·布朗芬布倫納(Urie Bronfenbrenner)提出並完善,現時被普遍接受為發展心理學領域的領導性理論。


  • 微系統(Microsystem):直接環境(家庭,學校,同齡群體)
  • 中系統(Mesosystem):中系統由直接環境之間的聯繫構成(例如,一個孩子的「家和學校」)
  • 外系統(Exosystem):間接發生影響的外部環境條件(例如,父母的工作場所)
  • 宏系統(Macrosystem):較大的文化背景(例如,東方文化對比西方文化,國家經濟、政治文化,次文化)



個人的生活規律可能被認為是微系統的一部分;因此,該理論近來也被稱作「生物生態學理論(Bio-Ecological Systems Theory)」。 每個系統都包含了能有力地影響發展的角色,規範和規則。

Urie Bronfenbrenner was generally regarded as one of the world's leading scholars in the field of developmental psychology.
Microsystem: Refers to the institutions and groups that most immediately and directly impact the child's development including: family, school, religious institutions, neighborhood, and peers.
Mesosystem: Refers to relations between microsystems or connections between contexts. Examples are the relation of family experiences to school experiences, school experiences to church experiences, and family experiences to peer experiences. For example, children whose parents have rejected them may have difficulty developing positive relations with teachers.
Exosystem: Involves links between a social setting in which the individual does not have an active role and the individual's immediate context. For example, a husband's or child's experience at home may be influenced by a mother's experiences at work. The mother might receive a promotion that requires more travel, which might increase conflict with the husband and change patterns of interaction with the child.
Macrosystem: Describes the culture in which individuals live. Cultural contexts include developing and industrialized countries, socioeconomic status, poverty, and ethnicity. A child, his or her parent, his or her school, and his or her parent's workplace are all part of a large cultural context. Members of a cultural group share a common identity, heritage, and values. The macrosystem evolves over time, because each successive generation may change the macrosystem, leading to their development in a unique macrosystem.

Chronosystem: The patterning of environmental events and transitions over the life course, as well as sociohistorical circumstances. For example, divorces are one transition. Researchers have found that the negative effects of divorce on children often peak in the first year after the divorce. By two years after the divorce, family interaction is less chaotic and more stable. As an example of sociohistorical circumstances, consider how the opportunities for women to pursue a career have increased during the last thirty years."

The person's own biology may be considered part of the microsystem; thus the theory has recently sometimes been called "Bio-Ecological Systems Theory."

Per this theoretical construction, each system contains roles, norms and rules which may shape psychological development. For example, an inner-city family faces many challenges which an affluent family in a gated community does not, and vice versa. The inner-city family is more likely to experience environmental hardships, like crime and squalor. On the other hand the sheltered family is more likely to lack the nurturing support of extended family