
古德明: 宣判有罪、結果是

問:查字典,見到以下例句:The jury brought in a verdict of guilty(陪審團宣判有罪)。但guilty是形容詞,而介系詞(preposition)之後,不是應用名詞嗎?

答:介系詞之後,一般要用名詞或ing動詞,a verdict of之後也不例外,例如:After hearing the evidence, the judge delivered the verdict of unlawful killing(法官聽過證詞,宣判為非法殺人)。

Verdict of guiltyguilty,當然是形容詞,但這裏其實是引用法庭宣判的guilty(有罪)或not guilty(無罪),把引用語當作名詞,所以,那guiltynot guilty有時會加引號,例如:the jury brought in a verdict of "guilty" / "not guilty"(或a "guilty" / "not guilty" verdict)。這就如The word to use is "understand"(應用understand這個字)一樣:understand當然是動詞,但在這一句之中,文法上是名詞。

問:字典有as a result(結果是)這說法,但假如是唯一的結果,可不可以說as the result

答:The有時是指「唯一的」,a則指「眾數中的一個」,例如英女王是the queen of the United Kingdom,英國一名外交官則是a diplomat of the United Kingdom

不過,as a result是固定詞語,不論結果有多個或僅僅一個,都不可說as the resultsas the result。另一固定詞語with the result that則不可改用a,例如:He was lazy. As a result, he failed the examination / He was lazy, with the result that he failed the examination(他很懶,結果考試不及格)。