
古德明: 混合假設句

問:以下句子的wouldn't,可不可改為won't?──If you come to the party tomorrow, I wouldn't bring Mike with you

答:答案是「改不得」。解釋之前,謹先簡述假設句(conditional sentence)的三種句式:一是「If+現在式動詞 +will」,指現在或將來可能發生的事;一是「If+過去式動詞 +would」,指現在或將來並非事實或極不可能發生的事;一是「If+過去完成式動詞+would have」,指過去沒有發生的事。例如:(1If you come, I will get ready(假如你來,我會準備好)。(2If I were you, I would not go(我是你,就不會去)。(3If you had come, you would have seen him(假如你當時來了,就會見到他)。

而上述句式可以混合使用,例如:(1If he had not left Hong Kong, he would help us now(他不是離開了香港,現在就會幫助我們)。(2If I were a hot-tempered man, I would have beaten him(假如我是個容易動怒的人,當時就會打他)。例一上半截是對過去事情的假設,下半截是對現在事情的假設;例二上半截假設至今未變的情況,下半截假設過去的情況。

讀者示下那一句,是說「假如你明天前來,我是你,就不會帶麥克」:「你明天前來」是可能發生的,所以說if you come;「我是你」是不可能發生的,所以I wouldn't bring Mike with you= I wouldn't bring Mike if I were you)用would bring,不可改為will