
古德明: 越來越少、他的誠信

問:Fewer and fewer和less and less有分別嗎?字典只有less and less,然則fewer and fewer是不是新詞語?

答: 任何比較級副詞(adverb)或形容詞,即comparative,都可用and接連,表示「越來越……」,例如:(1)The rain got heavier and heavier(雨越下越大)。(2)The government is lying more and more shamelessly(政府說謊,說得越來越無恥)。Less and less見於詞典,只是因為較常用;fewer and fewer可不是新興詞語。

至於二詞的分別,當然是fewer and fewer所指的人或事物可數(countable),less and less所指的則不可數(uncountable),例如:(1)There are less and less donors(捐贈者越來越少)。(2)Less and less money is left(剩下的錢越來越少)。

近年來,fewer、 fewest往往被less、least取代,例如超級市場「購物不多於五件」付款櫃臺寫的是Five Items or Less;「候選人之中,他得票最少」的報道是He had the least votes of all the candidates。不過,這用法至今都不算正規,那less和least仍應改正為fewer和fewest。

問:報紙說,行政長官梁振英堅 稱其住所有非法建築,不等於其誠信有問題:He insisted that this could not be counted as him having a credibility problem。Him having是不是應改為his having?

答:His having當然正確,但說來拗口,一般會改說him having。謹再舉一例:Do you mind me(= my)smoking?(介意我吸煙嗎?)