
邱立本: 倒污水不要倒掉嬰兒







 [J1]He probably refers to蘋果日報 which is a kind of ‘schizoid’ newspaper. The News may be presented in tabloid style but its commentaries are often of high quality.

 [J2]錢穆:... 今人率言“革新”,然革新固當知舊。不識病象,何施刀藥?僅為一種憑空抽象之理想,蠻幹強為,求其實現,鹵莽滅裂,於現狀有破壞無改進。凡對於已往歷史抱一種革命的蔑視者,此皆一切真正進步之勁敵也。...There should be a more comprehensive and honest contemporary history. 

唐君毅:『知識份子當以天下為己任,本是中國文化精神之一端。但在過去的中國知識份子,至少須通過表面上的忠君,才能作以天下為己任的事。此中即可有一精神上之委屈。此精神之伸展,便理當發展出民主政治。民主政治之精神,是政府與人民平等,不自居人民之上,而且共同在遵守的憲法下活動。』This malady still exists in China today though under a different name, it is oligarchy instead of monarchy.

 [J3]「防火牆心態」originates from mistrust of the government of Communist China. Is it justified? Trust is a mutual thing. People can make good judgment if they can get hold of the facts which may not be easily available in China.

 [J4]共產黨is the only political party in China and it would still be for the foreseeable future. 共產黨can wield absolute fiscal power in China. There is no difference between the wealth of  中國國家 and the party. The author intentionally befuddles the concept of 國家 and 文化 which is much more long-lasting. The Greek city states were long gone but the Hellenistic culture perseveres and becomes the foundation of Western Civilization. 


香港那些崇拜殖民統治的新一代,源於他們對歷史的無知[J1] ,陷入香港記憶的斷層。

近年在香港七一遊行中,總會出現一些拿著英國米字旗的人。他們要表達自己的殖民鄉愁,但也暴露了香港一些人對殖民歷史的無知[J2] 。他們以為末代總督彭定康在英國治港最後幾年所推出的「民主」,就是代表了英國治理香港的一切。他們的歷史知識的貧乏,陷入香港歷史記憶的斷層。

因為他們不會在今天香港的學校中學到這樣的歷史:他們不曉得七十年代英國警隊貪官葛柏的醜聞,被香港年輕人抗議,他雖一度坐牢,但貪污[J3] 的巨款始終沒追回;不曉得四十五年前的六七暴動[J4] 前,抗議港英政府加價的香港青年盧麒遭警察毆打、神秘「被自殺」的悲劇;也不曉得今天的立法會主席曾鈺成的哥哥曾德成,曾經因為在他念書的聖保羅書院門前派傳單而被捕,坐牢兩年;也不曉得香港殖民政府有一個「不受歡迎外國人條例」,專門驅逐它所不喜歡的左派與右派,而完全沒有任何的「適當法律程序」的程序正義。一些香港九十後,甚至不曉得十六年前保釣先驅陳毓祥在釣島水域遇難的來龍去脈。




 [J1]Those who make comparison of present day with the colonial day Hong Kong are not ignorant of history but rather have a general understanding of the its past evolvement and development.  

 [J2]Does the author ever give a thought to the reason why those people harbor that nostalgic sentiment? It is their dissatisfaction with the present government that brews their craving for the past, no matter how futile and elusive it is. 

 [J3]Corruption was rampant in the said period and the colonial government addressed the problem by establishing the ICAC. Hong Kong then becomes one of the top corruption free cites in the world. Of course, things begin to change after the handover in 1997 (Donald Tsang is an exemplar). In contrast, corruption in China nowadays has become a norm that charges of corruption would only be the legitimate reason for the downfall of losers in power struggles. Given the government structure in China with no checks and balances in place, it explains partly the blatant and unrestrained corruption and abuses of power. 

 [J4]The attempt to use past acrimony of土共 with the colonial government to make a point is ludicrous. Did he know六七暴動 caused so much anguish and fear for common citizens? Did he recall the bombs 土共 placed causing injuries and death? Did he remember the radical moves of土共in Hong Kong were the ramification from the Cultural Revolution happening in China at that time?

 [J5]More on the list楊繼繩, 黃仁宇, 吳晗, 裴敏欣,  許知遠, 慕容雪村, 韓寒, 余英時, 謝國忠, 郎咸平.

 [J6]These are factual knowledge that can be incorporated into current subjects.