
古德明: 三歡呼、LGBT問題

問:電視報道英女王登基六十週年慶典,把Hip, hip, hooray譯做「嗨,嗨,萬歲」,正確碼?

答:這翻譯當然正確。Hoorayhurrahhurray是表示嘉許、高興等的歡呼聲。領導歡呼者往往會說:Three cheers for so-and-so(為某某歡呼三聲),然後喊:Hip, hip,大家隨即三喊hurrah! hurrah怎樣翻譯,得看情況而定。假如so-and-so是正在比賽的運動員,可譯作「加油」;是新郎和新娘,可譯作「早生貴子」之類;是女王,則譯做「萬歲」無疑最好。Hurrah一字,可以單獨使用,例如:Hurrah for the queen!(為女王歡呼萬歲)!


答:這兩句頗長,謹抄錄並翻譯於後:Now, some worry that protecting the human rights of the LGBT community is a luxury that only wealthy nations can afford(有人擔心,要保護同性戀者、兩性俱戀者、愛扮異性者或變性者的人權,代價不菲,只有富裕國家才負擔得起)。But in fact, in all countries, there are costs to not protecting these rights, in both gay and straight lives lost to disease and violence, and the silencing of voices and views that would strengthen communities, in ideas never pursued by entrepreneurs who happen to be gay(其實,任何國家不保障這些人的權利,都要付出代價,例如同性或異性戀者死於疾病或暴力、部分人有利社會的意見遭禁絕、同性戀企業家未能實踐其大計等)。