
古德明: 雨天用語、翻譯問題


答:中文「兩人共用一傘」,譯做英文是two people sharing one umbrella,譯做現代漢語則當然是「兩人分享一傘」。請持傘者送自己過馬路,或到馬路對面某個地方,英文可以說:Excuse me, could I share your umbrella? Just across the roadto the supermarket / the MTR station等)。
假如你想跟持傘者朝他的方向走一程,則可以說:Could I share your umbrella for part of the way?
又假如你是持傘者,想送人家一程,可以說:Would you like to / care to share my umbrella?


答:第一句那位讀者譯做Labour Department of Mr Chan visit the site on today at about 10 am. His find are as below,可修改如下:Mr Chan of the Labour Department visited the site at 10 am today. His findings are as below / as follows

第二句那位讀者譯做The above items should complete within 48 hours and report to relevant parties,可修改如下:The above items should be completed and reported to the relevant parties within 48 hours