
古德明: 江 湖



「江湖」的原義和廣義,都不難譯,例如《莊子》那一句,可譯做It would be better for them to forget one another in rivers and lakes than to froth at the mouth trying to wet one another;杜牧那一句,可譯做Leading a dissolute life, I travelled widely and indulged in wine。北京外國語學院《漢英詞典》把「江湖」譯做rivers and lakes以及all corners of the country(全國各處),當然都很好。

但「江湖」今天往往是指三教九流人物的世界,這就沒法翻譯了。《北京外國語學院》譯做itinerant entertainers, quacks, etc(四處走的賣藝者、庸醫),梁實秋《最新實用漢英辭典》譯做wanderingvagrant(漂泊的)和practising quackery(冒充醫生行醫),都不貼切。《林語堂漢英詞典》把「走江湖」譯做live life of adventurer,全寫應是live the life of an adventurer,但這等於「過歷險、歷奇者的生活」,和「走江湖」不同。有時,「江湖」或可譯做the underworld(黑社會)、the lower classes(下層社會)等,但完全貼切是不可能的。總之,譯者只能按上下文意勉強翻譯。