
Egypt elections, day two – in pictures

Egyptians vote in the second and last day of a highly divisive presidential election runoff between Mohamed Morsi, of the Muslim Brotherhood, and Ahmed Shafiq, who was the last prime minister under Hosni Mubarak

A man checks for his name on a list pinned outside a polling station in Cairo
A man smokes a water pipe under a poster of Ahmed Shafiq at a coffee shop

A woman wearing a niqab shows her ink- stained finger, marking that she voted, in Cairo

A woman casts her vote in Alexandria

Voters check their names at a polling station in Cairo

Women queue up to vote in front of a polling station in Cairo

A voter dips his finger in a bottle of ink after casting his ballot

A woman marks her ballot paper in Cairo

Campaign posters for Mohamed Morsi in Cairo

Policemen stand outside a polling station in the Shobra neighbourhood of Cairo

Tissues stained with indelible ink lie are left alongside a ballot box at a polling station in Cairo

Men look for their names on the electoral list outside a polling station in Cairo

A policeman stands guard outside a polling station in Cairo

A campaign poster for Ahmed Shafiq on a block of flats in Cairo

Men queue up to vote in the Shobra neighbourhood of Cairo

An electoral official holds a ballot paper as a woman arrives to cast her vote
Women queue up to cast their votes at a polling station in Cairo