
Anti-Putin protests in Moscow turn violent – in pictures

Protesters clashed with riot police in Moscow on Sunday in the most violent demonstration yet against Vladimir Putin's rule, on the eve of his return to the presidency. About 250 participants were detained after an attempt to break police lines to march to the Kremlin.

The March of Millions progresses through the streets of downtown Moscow
A Russian police cordon during the 'March of Millions' protest rally
Russian riot police push away a smoke jet thrown by anti-Putin protesters
A participant is restrained by Russian riot police
Russian riot police use fire extinguishers during the opposition protest in downtown Moscow
Russian riot police disperse opposition protesters
A wounded opposition protester, one of dozens of people hurt during the rally in Moscow
Russian riot police detain a protester
The protest began peacefully as more than 20,000 Russians took to the streets in Moscow but scuffles then broke out
A women is arrested by a Russian riot police officer, one of about 250 people to be detained
A protester is pinned down by Russian riot police
Protesters shouted 'This is our city' and 'Police, be with the people, not with the freaks' during the demonstration