
古德明: She Don't Care

問:披頭四 Ticket to Ride這首歌有 She don't care一語,為什麼不是 She doesn't care(她不在乎)?

答:從前, do可以和 I you等連用,也可以和 he it等連用,例如英國文學家佩皮斯( Samuel Pepys)一六六四年一月二十一日的日記說: The Duke of York do give himself up to business, and is like to prove a noble prince; and so indeed I do from my heart think he will(約克公爵埋頭工作,看來會是個好君主,我也的確相信他會是個好君主)。

此外, do的第三身單數最初有兩個寫法,一是 does,一是 doth,而 don't則可作 do not does/doth not的縮寫,例如英國詩人格雷( Thomas Gray)一七六八年二月十四日寫的一封信說: It don't appear that he knew anything of your book(他似乎對大作了無所知)。劇作家蕭伯納( George Bernard Shaw)一八九七年十二月二十四日寫的一封信也說: However, it don't matter if you've read the play(但假如你讀過這劇本,也不要緊)。詩人拜倫( Lord Byron)、小說家奧斯汀( Jane Austen)等,筆下都沒有 doesn't這寫法,也都是用 don't does not的縮寫。

不過, don't的這個傳統用法,今天多數人已經不認識,甚至會視為錯誤。事實上, don't作第三身單數,現在多出於缺乏教育者之口。所以,我們也應該順應潮流,用 doesn't does not的縮寫,不要用 don't