
Luigi Zingales: Central Bankers in the Line of Fire / 被瞄准的央行行長

CHICAGO – Central bankers should not only be above suspicion of wrongdoing, but also appear to be above it. So the decision in January by Philipp Hildebrand, Chairman of the Board of the Swiss National Bank (SNB), to resign over allegations relating to a suspicious currency trade made by his wife, is to be welcomed. But, while Hildebrand’s resignation should serve as a precedent to be followed by central bankers – indeed, all public officials – everywhere, the circumstances surrounding his departure smell much worse than what caused it.

On August 15, 2011, Hildebrand’s wife, Kashya, exchanged 400,000 Swiss francs into dollars. On September 6, Hildebrand announced that the SNB would cap the value of the franc against the euro, thus de facto forcing a depreciation of the franc vis-à-vis all other major currencies. As a result, the value of his wife’s investment soared by almost 20%. While Hildebrand claims to have had no knowledge of the transaction that day, he resigned because it was “not possible to provide conclusive and final evidence” that his wife, a former hedge-fund manager, traded without his knowledge.

A central banker should put his and his spouse’s money in a blind trust. Even if he did not know about the trade, Hildebrand committed an error of judgment in not reversing the transaction immediately. His resignation was warranted – as is enhanced disclosure of central bankers’ personal finances around the world.

Nonetheless, the circumstances of Hildebrand’s departure might be more worrisome than his lapse of judgment. Hildebrand was not just any central banker: he stood out for his independence, not only from political authority, but also from the banking sector. He spoke very early and strongly in favor of higher capital requirements for big banks, which also opposed his heterodox intervention in the foreign-exchange market.

Most importantly, together with the Swiss finance minister, Hildebrand introduced the “Swiss approach” to bank regulation. This approach demands much higher capital buffers for banks. Rather than going along with the new 8% reserve requirement adopted elsewhere, the SNB now demands equity capital equal to 19% of risk-weighted assets, of which 9% can be held in convertible capital, while 10% must be held in common equity.

Any economist would consider these policies wise, but they won him few friends in the business world. In an unprecedented attack, Switzerland’s major business magazine Bilanz accused him of having an “unsteady hand” on the central bank’s rudder. He was also attacked by a leader of the right-wing Swiss People’s Party (SVP).

I was born in the country of Machiavelli, and yet I still find it remarkable that, after all these attacks on Hildebrand, the stolen private record of his family’s bank account was leaked to a vice president of the SVP, who made it public. Would the record not have been stolen, or would the SVP vice president have refused to use it, given its illegal origin, had Hildebrand been more accommodating toward special interests?

More importantly, I wonder whether his successor at the SNB – and all other central bankers – is asking the same question. After all, this is one way in which regulatory capture happens. When the regulated do not like the regulation, they jeopardize the regulator’s career. More often, they influence regulation by dangling before the regulator the promise of lucrative future employment. Since Hildebrand was independently wealthy, this approach would not have easily worked with him. So did he receive the stick instead of the carrot?

Fortunately, we have a good independent test. The head of the European Banking Authority, Andrea Enria, has issued new regulations that are not bank-friendly. While one can debate the appropriateness of tightening accounting standards in the middle of a crisis, his order that banks increase their capital is entirely justified, especially at a time when the European Central Bank is subsidizing them with a wall of three-year liquidity at almost zero cost.
The banking industry was not sparing in its criticism. The head of the Italian Banking Association even threatened to sue Enria personally.

If Enria were to resign or – God forbid – be forced out by a scandal in the near future, bank regulators everywhere would get the message: “Nice job you have there – it would be a shame if anything happened to it.”

Luigi Zingales is Professor of Entrepreneurship and Finance at the University of Chicago Booth School of Business and author of the forthcoming book A Capitalism for the People.

Luigi Zingales: 被瞄准的央行行長

芝加哥—央行行長應該是這樣的:他們不能受到犯錯的懷疑,而且也不能犯錯。因此,今年1月,瑞士國家銀行(SNB)董事會主席菲利普·希爾德布蘭德(Philipp Hildebrand)因被控與其妻的一筆可以貨幣交易有染而辭職,此舉受到了大家的贊賞。但是,盡管希爾德布蘭德的辭職之舉應該被所有央行行長——事實上,應該是所有公職人員——所效仿,但其離職的背景要比造成其離職的原因更加惡劣。





經濟學家無不認為這一政策是明智的,但在商界,此舉令希爾德布蘭德眾叛親離。瑞士主要商業雜志《Bilanz》對希爾德布蘭德發動了前所未有的抨擊,指責他“把不穩”SNB的方向。右翼的瑞士人民黨(Swiss Peoples PartySVP)的一位領導人也對希爾德布蘭德展開了抨擊。


更重要的是,我懷疑其SNB的繼任者——以及其他所有央行行長——是否也在問同樣的問題。說到底,希爾德布蘭德事件是一種“監管綁架”(regulatory capture)。當被監管者不喜歡監管規則時,他們就設法破壞監管者的職業生涯。更普遍的情形是他們會在監管者面前活動,許以未來要職的有人承諾,以此來影響監管規則。希爾德布蘭德並不缺錢,因此這一招對他沒什麼用。這大概就是他拒了胡蘿卜迎來大棒的原因吧?

幸運的是,此事對我們來說是一次難得的獨立性測試。歐洲銀行局(European Banking Authority)局長恩瑞亞(Andrea Enria)也頒布了對銀行不利的新監管規則。你可以對在危機中收緊會計規則的做法的合適性表示異議,但其銀行必須增加資本金的指令斷無可質疑之處,特別是考慮到如今歐洲央行為他們正在為它們提供為期三年的幾乎無成本的流動性。



Luigi Zingales是芝加哥大學布斯商學院創業和金融教授,新著《資本主義為人民》即將出版。