
Honduras prison fire – in pictures

Scores of prisoners have been killed in a fire that broke out at a prison in the town of Comayagua, Honduras. Dozens more were injured and admitted to hospitals, while the rest are believed to have fled

Firefighters enter the prison in Comayagua
Paramedics carry nylon bags for corpses
Relatives of inmates await news outside the prison
Soldiers and forensic workers load bodies of inmates killed during the fire into the back of a lorry
Soldiers load a trailer with corpses
Honduran inmates outside the prison after escaping the fire
A wounded man is carried on a stretcher at Escuela hospital in the capital, Tegucigalpa
Relatives of inmates wait outside the prison for news
Injured inmates are evacuated from the jail
The wife of a dead inmate cries outside the prison
An official reads a list of deceased inmates' names to a crowd of relatives outside the compound
Relatives clash with police after entering the prison
Soldiers run during clashes with the relatives of inmates
Relatives of inmates wait outside the jail for news
Relatives throw stones at soldiers and police officers, who fire warning shots into the air

Soldiers and Red Cross members remove a body bag with the remains of an inmate
Honduran forensic workers and soldiers remove corpses in plastic bags
Police officers escort surviving inmates from the prison
Family members of the inmates who died during the fire wait outside the morgue for news
Inmates who survived the fire sit in the prison
Family members of inmates eat oranges while waiting outside a jail
Soldiers inspect the burnt prison compound