
古德明: 毫不關心、明白

問:Couldn't care less似乎是說「不會關心太多」,但couldn't是「不會」,care less是「較少關心」,然則「不會較少關心」不是應解作「會關心」嗎?

答:Couldn't是「不可能」而非「不會」,care lesscare little(不關心)的比較級說法,即「更加不關心」,例如:I care little about the matter, and he cares even less(我不關心這件事,他則更加不關心)。(ICouldn't care less是說「我不關心的程度,無以復加(不可能更進一步)」,例如:I couldn't care less what he says(他說什麼,我毫不關心)。

問:看美國電視片集,常聽到I get itI got itDo you understandUnderstood等說法。Getunderstand是不是可以和gotunderstood通用?

答:這個getunderstand同義,指「明白」。問人家明不明白你的意思,一般會說(Do youUnderstand? /Do youGet it? / Geddit(=Get it? / Got it? / Do you get the picture? Picture這裏指「情況」,例如:I get the picture -- you want me to lend a hand with these suitcases(我明白了,你想我幫忙拿這些手提箱)。

要表示「我明白了」或「我明白你的意思了」,可以說(IGot it / I got you / Gotcha(=Got you/IGet it / I understand what you mean / Understood / I'm with you / I follow you

上述說法都可以通用,不過,假如是問人家明不明白你的指示,似乎多問Got it?問人家明不明白你說的笑話、雙關語等,則似乎較多說Get it?