
Gideon Rachman: A Paradox that will Paralyse World Politics / 妨礙全球復蘇的悖論

Efforts to rescue the world economy in 2012 will be afflicted by a perilous political paradox. The more that international co-operation is needed, the harder it will be to achieve.

The year begins with the world still overshadowed by the threat of the biggest economic crisis since 1945. But as the economic position deteriorates, the actions demanded of national leaders become ever more drastic and harder to sell at home: take part in big bail-outs of indigent nations, subsidise wildly unpopular bankers, work patiently with countries that large parts of your own population believe are bankrupt or dishonest. In 2012, the world’s most important leaders are likely to be asked to do all of the above – and will find it ever harder to deliver. The conditions of recession, instability and panic that demand international co-operation also make voters angrier and less generous.

The political pressures produced by an international economic crisis have prevented the European Union – or a larger world community – from dealing effectively with Europe’s debt problems. Over the year, the problem is likely to worsen because so many of the most important countries face elections or changes in leadership that will make it very hard for them to devote much energy to diplomacy. There are presidential elections in the US, France and Russia – and China’s top leadership will also be reshuffled towards the end of the year.

The biggest demands, however, will be made of a country that is not scheduled to undergo elections. This year, as in 2011, the world will look to Germany to provide the money and intellectual leadership to pull the eurozone back from the brink.

Germany, however, is extremely reluctant to open its cheque book once again. Instead it is pouring its energy into securing a new European treaty that will place draconian limits on deficits – a policy that is irrelevant to the debt crisis in the short term and liable to be counterproductive in the long term. Germany’s behaviour is explicable only when understood in the context of domestic politics. The policies of chancellor Angela Merkel are dictated by a popular desire that Germany should fund no further bail-outs in Europe and instead export its own “stability culture”.

Ms Merkel is sometimes lambasted by foreign leaders for allowing domestic political constraints to dictate her approach to the crisis. But look around the world, and everybody else is doing the same. Germany’s main partner in Europe over the next few months will be France – a country that will be preoccupied by its presidential election. Nicolas Sarkozy will be trying to push any further twist in the crisis beyond the final polling date of May 6, while guarding his flank against accusations from the left and the far right that he has gone too far in ceding sovereignty to an impatient Germany.

And what of the US? Bill Clinton once boasted that America was the “indispensable nation”. But when it comes to the eurozone’s agonies, the US would be more than happy to be dispensed with. There is no money for a modern Marshall plan for Europe. All talk of foreign aid will be anathema during an election year. President Barack Obama’s dearest wish for 2012 is that the Europeans get their act together and avoid plunging the world into a recession before Americans vote in November.

With America gazing inward, some will look to China for money and leadership. This began visibly to happen in 2011, when European officials ended an EU summit by jetting straight off to Beijing, in a humiliatingly unsuccessful effort to drum up Chinese interest in buying more European debt.

But the leadership of China’s Communist party will also spend much of the year jostling for position. While the identities of the new president and prime minister are widely assumed to be known – with Xi Jinping and Li Keqiang slated respectively for those positions – the slots just below the top two are up for grabs. China’s urge to concentrate on domestic affairs will be accentuated by a growing nervousness about political and economic instability at home.

The leadership was clearly alarmed by the Arab spring. The recent demonstrations in Moscow against a stage-managed election will also have caused discomfort in Beijing. There are, meanwhile, fears of inflation, a house price crash and growing social unrest in China’s manufacturing heartlands. That might mean that Beijing’s leadership transition is more lively and contested than many expect. But it will also ensure China has little energy to devote to elaborate international co-operation.

In 2012, we can look to world politics for the entertainment value that elections provide – but not for solutions to global problems.

Gideon Rachman: 妨礙全球復蘇的悖論





但是,德國很不情願再次打開支票簿。相反,德國正把精力傾注到敲定一項對赤字施加嚴苛限制的歐盟新條約上——短期來看,這種政策對於解決債務危機毫無幫助﹔長期來看,它還可能產生事與願違的后果。隻有站在國內政治的角度上,才能理解德國的這一行為。德國總理安格拉•默克爾(Angela Merkel)的政策是由德國民眾的一個意願決定的——這些民眾認為,德國不應再為新一輪歐洲紓困行動掏腰包,而應輸出自己的“穩定性文化”。

外國領導人有時抨擊默克爾,稱她任由國內政治因素左右其應對危機之策。但環顧全球,其它國家領導人的做法與默克爾別無二致。未來幾個月,德國在歐洲的主要合作伙伴將是法國,而法國又將忙於本國的總統選舉。尼古拉•薩科齊(Nicolas Sarkozy)將努力避免這場危機在56日的最終投票日之前出現新的波折,以防左翼勢力和極右翼勢力指控他向失去耐心的德國讓渡過多主權。

美國的情況又是怎樣?比爾•克林頓(Bill Clinton)曾吹噓美國是“責無旁貸的國家”。但在歐元區遭遇痛苦之際,美國恐怕很樂於置身事外。美國沒有財力再針對歐洲推出現代版的“馬歇爾計劃”。在選舉年,所有關於對外援助的言論都會招人厭惡。2012年,巴拉克•奧巴馬(Barack Obama)總統最熱切的願望就是,歐洲人能在11月份美國大選之前攜手採取行動,避免將世界拖入衰退泥潭。



