
古德明: 樹上、球隊代名詞

問:There are many leaves in / on the tree(這棵樹枝葉茂盛)這一句,應用in還是on

答:這一句應用on。凡是說「長在樹木上」,都用on。英文有成語說Money does not grow on trees,直譯是「錢不是樹木長出來的」,意思則是「掙錢很不容易」,常用來說錢不可以隨便花,例如:We can't afford that expensive car. Money doesn't grow on trees(這輛車太貴,我們買不起。掙錢很不容易啊)。讀者示下那一句,也可寫作There are many leaves growing on the tree
以下一句,請讀者看看應用in還是onThere are several sparrows in / on the tree(樹上有幾隻麻雀)。答案應是in,因為麻雀是在樹葉之間,所以句子也可寫作There are several sparrows in among the leaves of the tree。當然,要說「樹枝上有幾隻麻雀」,就應用onThere are several sparrows on the branch


答:讀者這個問題很奇怪,似乎是說足球隊等的傳統代名詞是she,但運動比賽隊伍,其實從來不用she作代名詞,也不會用he,而會用it,無論是男子隊還是女子隊,都是一樣,用they有時也可以,例如:The football team went from victory to victory under its / their brilliant captain(那支足球隊在隊長出色的領袖之下,連番告捷)。