
古德明: 拉丁詞語、初任教師

問:補習課上,學到不少英文借用的拉丁詞語,例如sine qua non。用這些詞語作文,會不會顯得造作?又sine qua non可不可取代necessity?

答:不少英文用法專書都認為,拉丁詞語今天不宜多用,包括Collins Gem Dictionary of English Usage和麥美倫出版社的The Good English Guide。The Good English Guide說,這些詞語的用者,往往是要自炫:They trot out(Latin tags)on occasions, usually to impress people。而這些詞語多有學究味,頗為礙眼:Latinisms have become more often than not out of place and pedantic。無論是說話還是行文,最好用簡單英文取代拉丁詞語,除非這些詞語十分通用,而且難以取代,例etc(等等)和de facto(實質上而未必是法律上的)。

至於sine qua non,指「必要的條件」,和necessity(必要、必需品)不大相同,例如:Impartiality is a sine qua non for a good judge(好的法官,必須不偏不倚)。這一句的 a sine qua non,可用an esstential quality取代。

問:要說「這是我擔任教師的第一年」,英文可不可以這樣翻譯:This is my first year I work as a teacher或This is my first year working as a teacher?

答:第二句文法沒有問題,第一句的現在式動詞work應改為現在完成式,my則改為 the,即This is the first year I have worked as a teacher。