
古德明: 已通知閣下

問:有大學同事寫了以下一句:Regarding your request on 5 September 2012, based on thorough deliberation by respective teachers which had been communicated with you earlier on, the department would not approve your request。有同事認為which had been communicated with you應改為who have communicated with you,原句作者卻說whichdeliberation而不是teachers,所以不應改。先生認為怎樣?

照這位讀者所言,原句作者要說的是「閣下二零一二年九月五日提出的要求,本系根據個別教師詳細的研議,決定不予批准。各教師的研議已通知閣下」。然則英文可以這樣寫:After considering respective teachers' thorough deliberations, which have already been communicated to you, the department has decided not to approve your request of 5 September 2012。留意「把……通知某人」是to communicate something to somebody,「和……通信」則是to communicate with somebody,例如:(1The mass media quickly communicated the news to every part of the world(新聞界迅速把這消息傳到世界各地)。(2The mobile phone makes it easy for us to communicate with one another(有了手提電話,我們互通消息就很方便)。

又原句request一字用了兩次,那是完全不必要的。而「某日的信件/要求」是(yourletter / request ofdate),of不宜改為on
