
古德明: 喜不喜歡?請寄發票

問:我英文作文說I don't like it a little,意思是「我很喜歡它」,因為not a little應是指「不少」,但英文老師說我錯了,說不是這個意思,先生認為怎樣?

答:Not a little當然是「不少」的意思,例如I was not a little surprised by his sudden anger(他突然發怒,使我十分驚訝)。要說「我一點都不驚訝」,英文是I was not a bit surprised

不過,要說「我很喜歡它」,英語國家的人卻不會說I don't like it a little,除非說後馬上補充一句:I like it a lot。文法上,你也可以說I like it not a little(我很喜歡它),但這聽來很不自然,即英文所謂mannered and artificial(矯揉造作),所以,最好還是平平實實的說:I like it very much(我很喜歡它)。

I don't like it a little不合英文慣用法,但I don't like it a little bit則是標準英語,意思是:「我一點都不喜歡它。」另一同義說法是I don't like it at all

問:以下一句的文法正不正確?Please send invoice to us in this afternoon or on next Monday(請於今天下午或下星期一擲下發票)。

答:用thisnextlast帶出的時間或日期,前面習慣不用inon或其他介系詞(preposition)。此外,invoice是可數名詞(countable noun),前面應有冠詞(article)或其他限定詞(determiner),即:Please send an / your invoice to us this afternoon or next Monday