
古德明: meet with;process和proceed

問:Meetmeet with有什麼分別?

答:英式英文用meet說「碰到」或「和(某人)會面」,而用meet with說「遭遇」或「受到」,例如:(1I will meet him for lunch(我會和他見面,一起吃午飯)。(2His plan met with much criticism(他的計劃備受批評)。

此外,美式英文常用meet with說「約定的會面」,例如I will meet with him for lunch。麥美倫出版社的Good English Guide談到這個意思的meet with和同義的meet up with,有以下評語:These expressions are unnecessary, nor are they liked in Britain, where "boy meets girl" remains good enough(這兩個說法都不必要,英國人也不喜歡。在英國,說boy meets girl(男女相會)就可以,不說boy meets with girl)。


答:這兩個字各有多種用法,這裏只能說其比較相似的一個意思,其餘請讀者細閱字典。作動詞,process是「處理」,其後須用受詞。Proceed則可解作「(停頓之後)繼續做某事」,其後用「with +名詞」;也可解作「(做某事之後)着手(做另一件事)」,其後用「to +動詞」,例如:(1Your application has not been processed yet(你的申請還未處理)。(2I proceeded with my work after a short rest(我稍稍休息一會,就繼續工作)。(2He put all the wood in a pile, and proceeded to build a fire(他把木頭都堆起來,着手生火)。