
古德明: 動名詞的問題

問:高中英文文法書有以下一句:There will be more recycling bins on school campus due to students enthusiastically recycling rubbish(由於學生熱中參與廢物回收,校園將增設回收箱)。Due to之後,不是應用名詞或名詞片語(noun phrase)的嗎?然則students是不是應改為students'

答:動名詞(gerund,即ing動詞)之前,名詞一般用受格(object)或所有格(possessive)都可以:用所有格較為正式,用受格則比較順口,所以也比較常見,例如:(1I would appreciate you / your letting me know if I have done anything wrong(假如我有什麼做錯了,務請賜告)。(2As a result of the establishment camp / camp's bulldozing the law through the legislature, the people took to the streets(保皇黨強行通過那條法律,百姓於是上街抗議)。讀者示下那一句,用studentsstudents'都可以。

不過,假如動名詞用來起句,一般會配所有格名詞,不配受格,例如:His going over to our opponent was totally unexpected(他改投我們的對手,是完全始料不及的)。

問:香港教育學院舉辦Workshops on Effective Strategies to Enhance Learning and Teaching in a Small Class Environment(小班教學法改良研習班)。Strategies to之後的enhance是不是應作enhancing

答:Strategy之後,用「to + 原形動詞(infinitive)」是絕對正確的;用「for + ing動詞」也可以,例如strategies for enhancing learning and teaching