
Hong Kong ferry collision - in pictures

Rescue crews search for passengers in waters near Yung Shue Wan on Lamma Island

A survivor is carried by rescuers and taken to shore

Rescuers check inspect a half submerged boat

Passengers are taken to hospital

Fireworks explode over Victoria harbour. The boat, which was carrying more than 120 people, was en route to watch a national day fireworks display when it collided with a passenger ferry and sank off Hong Kong

Two survivors, accompanied by rescuers, are taken to hospital

A young survivor is carried by a rescuer

Rescuers approach a half-submerged boat after it collided

The Sea Smooth ferry with its bow badly damaged sits docked at the Lamma Island pier after a collision with the Lamma IV boat in Hong Kong waters

The bow of the Lamma IV boat is partially submerged during rescue operations the morning after it collided with a Hong Kong ferry, killing 36 people.

A woman in Hong Kong, whose mother was killed in the ferry collision, leaves a public mortuary with relatives of other victims

A half-submerged boat is lifted by cranes near Lamma Island