
古德明: Being的用法、「方向正確」

問:These are the conventions of narrative film, the aim being to prevent a distancing awareness in the audience(這都是述事電影的慣例,目的是免令觀眾自覺身在事外)這一句,aim之後用being,是不是貴欄說的分詞子句(participle clause)?句子下半截可不可改為and the aims is ……?

答:這當然是分詞子句,而且子句本身有主詞(subject),改為and the aim is也可以。不過,being有時帶「由於」的意思,等於連接詞asbecause,不一定是and,例如:(1Being ill prepared= As I was ill prepared, I failed the test(我由於準備不足,考試不及格)。(2I am confident he will help, he being a generous man= because he is a generous man)(他為人慷慨,一定會幫忙的)。

帶「由於」含義的being,有時會用itthere作主詞,例如:(1There being no other business= As there was no other business, the meeting closed(由於沒有其他事務要處理,會議就告結束)。(2It being a fine day= As it was a fine day, we went for a hike in the New Territories(那天天氣很好,我們就去新界遠足)。


答:這一句其實是英文句法,那位讀者習非成是,當作中文而已:In this matter, we are moving in the right direction(這件事,我們至今處置得宜)。