
古德明: 家鄉食品、費用

問:美國有線電視新聞網的報道有以下一句,是什麼意思?─With so many Africans in Greece, the mosquitoes from the West Nile will at least be eating some homemade food



答:Farefee都可譯做「費用」,但fare一般指交通費用,例如bus/taxi/train (rail)/ferry/air fare即「巴士/的士/火車/渡輪/飛機費」。搭公共車輪等而不買票的人,叫做fare-dodger;的士乘客更往往被稱為一個fare而已,例如:(1It is the responsibility of ticket inspectors to catch fare dodgers(查票員的責任,是找出不買票者)。(2The taxi driver told the police that he had picked up his last fare at the Tsuen Wan MTR station(的士司機告訴警方說,他上一程的乘客,是在荃灣火車站上車的)。
Fee則多指律師、醫師等專業人士的收費,以及學費、入場費、執照費等,例如:(1The lawyer charges an hourly fee of $1000(律師每小時收費一千元)。(2The membership fee is reasonable(會員費不高)。