
Music 2012 June30

RubberBand — 睜開眼

填詞:RubberBandTim Lui

沒意識 學會了 矇住兩眼 迷信煙花未散
沒記憶 學會了 矇住耳朵 派對裡任意高歌

斷了的山脊線 鍍了金摩天背面
舊老區給拆建 自在遊客買下千噸客船

沒意識 學會了 矇住兩眼 迷信煙花未散
沒記憶 學會了 矇住耳朵 派對裡任意高歌
在這刻 睜開眼 來睜開眼 風光卻失落消散
在這刻 若見證 混濁廢氣瀰漫 誰合上眼

尚懂得公正 尚靠每雙手拼命
做假的不買帳 尚在夏季那夜燭光照樣
回望那獅子山 還是會牽掛

沒意識 學會了 矇住兩眼 迷信煙花未散
沒記憶 學會了 矇住耳朵 派對裡任意高歌
在這刻 睜開眼 睜開眼 風光卻失落消散
在這刻 若確信 並未到了大期限 睜開眼
若這曲 被禁了 絕唱了 旋律給消滅了 
樂器都弄碎了 全部唱機燒了 也會化做野火燒
自這天 睜開眼 睜開眼 時候總不為晚
就覺醒 面向這 現實世界 無懼 睜開眼

陳慧琳 - 春夏秋冬

作曲:葉良俊/Adrian Chan

秋天該很好 你若尚在場 秋風即使帶涼 亦漂亮
深秋中的你 填密我夢想 就像落葉飛 輕敲我窗

冬天該很好 你若尚在場 天空多灰 我們亦放亮
一起坐坐談談 來日動向 漠視外間低溫 這樣唱

能同途偶遇上 在這星球上 燃亮飄渺人生 我多麼夠運
無人如你 逗留我思潮上 從沒再疑問 這個世界好得很

暑天該很好 你若尚在場 火一般的太陽 在臉上
燒得肌膚如情 痕極又癢 滴著汗的一雙 笑著唱

冬天該很好 你若尚在場 天空多灰 我們亦放亮
一起坐坐談談 來日動向 漠視外間低溫 這樣唱

能同途偶遇 在這星球上 是某種緣份 我多麼慶幸
如離別你 亦長處心靈上 寧願有遺憾 亦願和你遠亦近

春天該很好 你若尚在場 春風彷彿愛情 在蘊醞
初春中的你 撩動我幻想 就像嫩綠草使 春雨香

Joan Osborne - One of Us

[The thing she says at the beginning:
one of these nights at about twelve o'clock
this whole earth's gonna reel and rock...
things that'll tremble and cry for pain
for the Lord's gonna come in his heavenly airplane.]

If God had a name what would it be?
And would you call it to his face?
If you were faced with him
In all his glory
What would you ask if you had just one question?

And yeah, yeah, God is great
Yeah, yeah, God is good
Yeah, yeah, yeah-yeah-yeah

What if God was one of us?
Just a slob like one of us
Just a stranger on the bus
Trying to make his way home

If God had a face what would it look like?
And would you want to see
If seeing meant that
you would have to believe
in things like heaven and in Jesus and the saints
and all the prophets

And yeah, yeah, God is great
Yeah, yeah, God is good
Yeah, yeah, yeah-yeah-yeah

Trying to make his way home
Back up to heaven all alone
Nobody calling on the phone
'cept for the Pope maybe in Rome

And yeah, yeah, God is great
Yeah, yeah, God is good
Yeah, yeah, yeah-yeah-yeah

Just trying to make his way home
Like a holy rolling stone
Back up to heaven all alone
Just trying to make his way home
Nobody calling on the phone
'cept for the Pope maybe in Rome

Kolor - 半首歌

曲 : Sammy So
詞 : 梁柏堅
編/監 : KOLOR

年少 隨半茶半啡喝掉 輕將煙圈吐了
喝完半茶半酒醉掉 人生一半抵銷
原來得一半是無聊 遺失一半哭笑

球賽 隨半場半邊對調 攻守雙方轉了
愛情要來半推半就 唇邊一半開口
來尋得一半自由 這一半得救

誰坐在旁飲 一半美酒
誰願在旁分 一半喜一半愁
誰願在旁守 就算 瘋癲衣衫襤褸
共步起點總會有 未達終點半路己 失救

神要 塵世成半黑半白 火光黑影對照
我和你求半醒半夢 尋找一半相擁
和諧的一半是服從 加一半失控

誰坐在旁飲 一半美酒
誰願在旁分 一半喜一半愁
誰願在旁守 就算 瘋癲衣衫襤褸
共步起點總會有 去到終點有
誰共坐崖邊 分一半韆鞦
誰願在墳邊 一半走一半留
誰願共留守 就算 荒島只得半畝
髮鬢稀疏一半柳 這首歌給你 就算唱半首

齊樹敵同握 一半匕首
誰落力來溝 一半水一半油
誰願在旁守 就算 一夫當關搏鬥
共步終點總會有 半世幾多半疑半信爭鬥

Beyond - 抗戰二十年

  • 作曲: 黃家駒
  • 編曲: Beyond
  • 填詞: 黃偉文

  • *喔 你我霎眼抗戰二十年 世界怎變 我答應你那一點 不會變
    當天空手空臂我們就上街 沒甚麼聲勢浩大
    但被不安養大 不足養大 哪裡怕表態
    當中一起經過了時代瓦解 十大執位再十大
    路上風急雨大 一起嚇大 聽慣了警戒
    應該珍惜的 即使犧牲了 激起的火花 仍然照耀
    幾響槍火敲破了沉默領土 剩下燒焦了味道
    現在少點憤怒 多些厚道 偶爾也很躁
    不管這種爭拗有型或老套 未做好的繼續做
    活著必須革命 心高氣傲 哪裡去不到
    他雖走得早 他青春不老 灰色的軌跡 磨成血路
    #喔 你我霎眼抗戰二十年 世界怎變 永遠企你這一邊
     喔 哪個再去抗戰二十年 去到多遠 我也銘記我起點 不會變

    Bob Dylan - Times They are a-Changin

    Come gather 'round people
    Wherever you roam
    And admit that the waters
    Around you have grown
    And accept it that soon
    You'll be drenched to the bone
    If your time to you
    Is worth savin'
    Then you better start swimmin'
    Or you'll sink like a stone
    For the times they are a-changin'.

    Come writers and critics
    Who prophesize with your pen
    And keep your eyes wide
    The chance won't come again
    And don't speak too soon
    For the wheel's still in spin
    And there's no tellin' who
    That it's namin'
    For the loser now
    Will be later to win
    For the times they are a-changin'.

    Come senators, congressmen
    Please heed the call
    Don't stand in the doorway
    Don't block up the hall
    For he that gets hurt
    Will be he who has stalled
    There's a battle outside
    And it is ragin'
    It'll soon shake your windows
    And rattle your walls
    For the times they are a-changin'.

    Come mothers and fathers
    Throughout the land
    And don't criticize
    What you can't understand
    Your sons and your daughters
    Are beyond your command
    Your old road is
    Rapidly agin'
    Please get out of the new one
    If you can't lend your hand
    For the times they are a-changin'.

    The line it is drawn
    The curse it is cast
    The slow one now
    Will later be fast
    As the present now
    Will later be past
    The order is
    Rapidly fadin'
    And the first one now
    Will later be last
    For the times they are a-changin'.

    Pink Floyd - Wish You Were Here

    Wish You Were Here (Waters, Gilmour)

    So, so you think you can tell
    Heaven from Hell,
    Blue sky from pain.
    Can you tell a green field
    From a cold steel rail?
    A smile from a veil?
    Do you think you can tell?

    And did they get you to trade
    Your heroes for ghosts?
    Hot ashes for trees?
    Hot air for a cool breeze?
    Cold comfort for change?
    And did you exchange
    A walk on part in the war
    For a lead role in a cage?

    How I wish, how I wish you were here.
    We're just two lost souls
    Swimming in a fish bowl,
    Year after year,
    Running over the same old ground.
    What have we found?
    The same old fears.
    Wish you were here.

      夏韶聲 - 說不出的未來

    霧 裡 看 都 市 憂 傷 與 灰 暗
    人 們 在 抱 怨 天 氣 互 說 風 光
    我 對 你 傾 訴 但 充 滿 了 隔 膜
    似 是 我 故 作 寂 寞 在 一 角

    愛 上 了 電 視 不 需 要 思 索
    模 糊 面 對 工 作 日 夜 去 奔 波
    偶 爾 看 齣 戲 漆 黑 裡 歡 樂
    我 愛 你 那 歌 曲 天 天 播

    曾 話 過 賽 馬 不 禁 跳 舞 自 由
    曾 話 過 這 裡 不 變 我 會 逗 留
    你 問 我 我 為 何
    說 不 出 對 未 來 的 感 覺

    那 個 要 包 裝 青 春 與 奔 放
    誰 高 呼 空 虛 觀 眾 便 心 醉
    我 聽 到 歌 聲 醫 不 了 飢 餓
    上 帝 愛 你 跟 祂 去 天 國

    誰 做 錯 世 界 到 處 有 難 民
    誰 做 錯 你 要 降 世 救 罪 人
    你 問 我 我 為 何
    說 不 出 對 未 來 的 感 覺

    今 天 我 知 鄉 村 變 了 都 市
    今 天 也 知 文 明 原 來 是 這 樣

    告 訴 我 你 會 叫 喊 與 淚 流
    告 訴 我 這 個 世 界 叫 地 球
    告 訴 我 我 為 何
    說 不 出 對 未 來 的 感 覺

    告 訴 我 你 會 奮 鬥 到 盡 頭
    告 訴 我 看 到 了 自 由
    告 訴 我 我 為 何
    說 不 出 對 未 來 的 感 覺

    達明一派 - 今天應該很高興   

    George Michael - They Won't Go When I Go

    No more lying friends
    Wanting tragic ends
    Though they do pretend
    They won't go when I go

    All those bleeding hearts
    With sorrows to impart
    Were right here from the start
    And they won't go when I go

    And I'll go where I've longed
    To go so long
    Away from tears

    Gone from painful cries
    Away from saddened eyes
    Along with him I'll bide
    Because they won't go when I go

    Big men feeling small
    Weak ones standing tall
    I will watch them fall
    They won't go when I go

    And I'll go where I've longed
    To go so long
    Away from tears

    Unclean minds mislead the pure
    The innocent will leave for sure
    For them there is a resting place
    People sinning just for fun
    They will never see the sun
    For they can never show their faces
    There ain't no room for
    the hopeless sinner
    Who will take more
    than he will give
    He ain't hardly gonna give

    The greed of man will be
    Far away from me
    And my soul will be free
    They won't go when I go

    Since my soul conceived
    All that I believe
    The kingdom I will see
    'Cause they won't go when I go

    When I go
    Where I'll go
    No one can keep me
    From my destiny