
古德明: 求職用語、請來見我

問:寫求職信,要說「希望月薪為七千至八千元」以及「我隨時可以上班」,以下英文寫法正不正確?─( 1 I am hoping for a salary of$7,000 to$8,000 per month。( 2 I would be immediately available to be employed

答:第一句沒有問題。改作 I am expecting/ asking a salary of$7,000 to$8,000 a month也可以。

至於第二句,可改作 I am immediately available for employment I am available to start work immediately。由於「隨時可以上班」不是個假設的情況,所以動詞宜用現在式 am,不用假設語氣的 would be;又 available to be employed文法沒有錯,但被動語態( passive voice to be employed不大自然。

問:上司說: Please come to find me during the break。這一句的 find字可以略去嗎?

答: To come to someone是「來到某人跟前」,例如: The children came to me when I called(孩子聽到我叫喚,走到我跟前)。 Please come to me during the break文法是沒有錯的,但讀者那位上司應是說「休息時來見我」,較貼切的英文翻譯是 Please come to/ and see me during the break,不宜用 find字,因為 find有「(須找尋才)找到」的意思,例如: The police soon found him(警察不久就找到他)。
