
古德明: 寵物店、真能夠

問:小兒英文練習有以下選擇題: This pet shop is the best hotel for pets which/ where you can find in London(這家寵物店,是倫敦最好的寵物旅館)。由於旅館是個地方,小兒選擇 where,但答案似應是 which,對嗎?

答: Which當然是正確答案。說地方, which where兩字都可以用,但 which是關係代名詞( relative pronoun),指「前文所說的地方」; where是副詞( adverb),指「在前文所說的地方」,等於 in which at which。請比較以下兩句:( 1 This is the house which he has bought(這是他買的房子)。( 2 This is the house where/ in which he was born(他是在這棟房子出世的)。讀者示下那一句,須用的字應是指「旅館」而不是「在旅館」,所以要用 which。以下一句則應用 where This pet shop is London's best hotel for pets, where you can find both cats and dogs(這家寵物店,是倫敦最好的寵物旅館;在這裏,貓、狗都可以找到。)

問: I do know her(我的確認識她)這一句, do字用來加強語氣;然則「我真的能夠解決這問題」,可不可以說 I can do fix the problem

答:加強語氣的 do,不可和其他輔助動詞連用,所以不能說 I can do fix the problem等。要加強語氣,可用其他字,例如: I certainly/ really can fix the problem

〔代郵〕 Pete Ngan先生:形容潦倒之「坎坷(讀『坎可』)」並非廣東方言。謹覆。